Monday 29 April 2013

The Panic of Lack

You know those days when you wake up in the morning spinning out cos something hasn't occurred ? You start to freak out, worry, your chest tightens up and you are trying desperately to let it go, but its not happening ! What do you do ?

Well you can start by getting up to your usual cup of tea and cigie and try to make sense of this crap that you know is only your chatterbox going berserk, yet you seem powerless to control it. Why do we go through this stuff, doubt, lack, distrust etc ? I don't bloody know !! All I know is it sux to push through....Its painful, you think that nothing is working properly for you, what you are trying to manifest is not taking place and yet there's this tiny little glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. But to get to that light, can take hours, even days ! This type of stuff seems to take you back to before you started learning about spirituality and how the universe works and you feel like a loser for not being able to push trough after all you have learned in regards to this stuff. Why does this happen ?

I think quite obviously its about trust, trusting that what you have asked for and tried to align yourself with, will occur. Why then DOES this occur ? Well, I'm still working on that. Is it a test ? What is it ? Or is it Ego playing with your head ? I believe its coming from a place of "Non Belief".........No that's not right, I'm not sure why it happens, I wish I knew ! Lots of my friends have said great things to me in these times. Things like "When you need it the money will come" or "Just forget about it and let the universe do its thing" Sure, that's all good, but even these people will call me with the same problems. What is it that makes us go through this crap ?

I'm yet to truly work this out, there can be reasons like, "There are things you must learn before this next stage" "Or you are not truly ready for his just yet" all the while my head spins, it spins out with all sorts of shit ! Mind you, for me I can get to this breaking point like to the top of this mountain with frustration and............"BANG"...........I'm through ! What is it that causes this kooky way of being just before it all slots together perfectly ? The pressure cookers steam keeps building and building while you nearly explode and then, on into bliss at no particular time or in no particular order. Sure its lovely when you get there, but fuck me, its awful while heading to this space of temporary contentment. (Cos we all know it will happen again)

For me it happens when you least expect it, this build up, this tense time. And then you find this picture in your downloads that you had forgotten about. Yet it doesn't really help ! It does after ! But not now, cos I read this and think, whats going on, I need it now ! In summing up, I hate these "VOID" moments but I also love them. They suck while you are in the middle of one, but when you push through things feel really good. Then you look back and go...."What was I worried about" Which is fantastic, but it doesn't really answer my question ! Why ??? Well, I reckon its a test, to find our inner strength to continue to trust the universe and learn more about ourselves.                                 



This is what is occurring for me right NOW  !!!

That strange pull for me is doing this, this blog and art therapy and intuitive healing and better ways of thinking. To move out of Signwriting for good, as it no longer brings me joy. Here come that "VOID" again !!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Hot Chocolate and Gratefulness

Yep.......... Hot Chocolate !

In a take away cup, in a park, in heaven !

You should see the grass in this park, its mega grass green ! The shadows from the trees change the colour bigtime. If I had my Pantone book here I could give you numbers to look up. Its quite stupendous. We have these kooky palm trees and eucalyptus everywhere. Its on a bit of a hill too. So much leafage with the closest star popping its rays through here and there, bloody hell they're nice when they hit the skin. Isn't it funny, how I can go from the bush up north to a major city such as Sydney, and still get the same blissful feelings and tranquility ! Bloody hell, 13 years ago that was impossible for me !!! The amount I have learned about myself in that time is quite incredible really....

Grateful.................. hell yeh !!

So I suppose (as that star moves its rays directly onto my chest at this park bench) that maybe today is all about being grateful !! So many are not. We all tend to overlook what we already have. We WANT this we WANT that......."Wants" have turned into "NEEDS"!! Why is this ?? I know, "GREED"....Yep, thats right, in your face "GREED". How can you manifest anything in your life if you are not grateful for what you already have ? Lets say I'm a "Bankster" and I contribute to the "GFC". I'm not using my money, I'm using Mom & Pops money, and they hand it all over to me to make it double. Sure.......conform ! Get your "Super" bangn ! Next thing, a bunch of assholes "with other peoples money" turn the globe upside down. A cocaine fueled load of bullshit that works with something that does not exist.......MONEY ! This is why i don't feel sorry for people who lose money on the stock market in "SUPER"  yeh super !! If you do all of this greedily you will be super ! WTF ?? Its all about "GREED"

What makes me laugh is that these Banksters were bailed out by their governments ! If you had a child and gave them a lolly as punishment for being naughty (their true selves by the way, open and unprogrammed) what do you think that child would do ? He or she would do it again, why wouldn't you ? So, with that, surely you can see what is happening in the Stock/Greed Market ? It will all happen again but 10 times worse, and for those of you who have it all tied up with these asshole firms, you will all be screaming once again......."Losses, Losses" Wake up, its only money ! The only reason you think you "need" more is because you have been brainwashed yet again by "THEY". Yeh.....your government !  Its everywhere, for fux sake, I've got my psychologist telling me "I" in need fucken "SUPER"............Whats with that shit ?????

So.....back to the matter at hand.. Nah hang on ! None of these people as mentioned above are "GRATEFUL"  for what they already have, when is enough enough ??

Now.....ah......., being grateful for what you have is not hard to do. You can go and sit in a park like this one and be over the moon grateful for a cup of hot chocolate, an internet connection through your HTC to your laptop, a park bench made out of the most amazing hardwood, and the rays from that big old star ! When you are grateful for little things the universe rearranges itself to bring more in anyway. This is one of the first park benches I've sat at that doesn't have durrie buts everywhere ! I always put mine in a bin or in the centre console of BB where I have an old tomato sauce jar, so therefore I'm grateful that there are none here. The rainbow lorrikeets are up in the trees whispering to me, and I'm grateful. I pulled up to this park (in Sydney) and got a car space.....bang ! How good is that. When you continue to be grateful things happen for you.

I've got friends that whinge when there is no work and whinge when there's to much work. I mean whats doing ?? Be grateful for having time off in between that work, use it to do other things that you love. Start by quietening your mind and thinking about what you are truly grateful for...

For me, being grateful allows me to become centred again and gets my body to talk to me again. With "Greed and being Ungrateful" comes panic, and lack and Lack is a place that drives greed........................Its all one big circle really isn't it, and unfortunately the mouse wheel rears it head again every morning. Back to the circle of being "WHO" you truly are "NOT"

Love, Light and Wikid Hot Chocolate and be "Grateful for what you already have"

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Blog Header Redesign

Unfortunately when you run a header on you blog, when you post to G+ it always posts the header. And as you may have seen I like to post other shots too.So...........some days it will be there and some not !  

Conform versus Free !

Yep..........Conformity ! Nah mate, I'm the black sheep. Or in this case the black dot with the black dog. How do we conform ? Well I know how I used to conform. But hell, I haven't done it for the last 13 years. If I had have conformed for the last 13 years of my life I wouldn't be writing this "Blah"! I wouldn't have arrived at this space right now. This space is not about being a rebel, far from it. I arrived here by doing what rang true to me, by following my heart. Your heart can take you to some wikid spots on this sphere, not to mention the stuff that you learn about yourself and other conformists. While on my 13 years of travel (and counting) I realised that i was far from a conformist. So many are though, from the car they drive, the quarter acre block, the tax, the vote, the "shit..........why am I not happy"!!!! When you conform to society you become "sheeple" We don't make decisions based on our hearts guidance, let alone our precious intuition. That's where things have to change. "CHANGE"......Shit, Apparently no one likes change, why? Because that's what you've been TOLD you don't like, change is awsum, try it, start off slow, but give it a go, it won't kill you !!

So what to do about this ?? This is rather delicate, cos some of us maintain the conformity because that's all we know, it gives us our identity. For me "Why" would I want to be like anyone else ? I'm a completely unique individual, as we all are. But what conforming does is bring us all to one area of the puzzle. How boring !! I know what is behind this mass exodus to conformity do you ?? One word............."FEAR" Yep that's right. Those who believe they control us keep us living in fear. If you are fearful you will stay and bat for the Conforms, do you see the first 3 letters in the word itself ?????? "CON". Its all a big con ! when you are fearful all you want is comfort, YEH...comfort. So how do you get comfort ? You join those like you, so you don't feel out of place. Hence you conform. Safety in numbers, we all know that....

But what if you don't feel as though that is the right path for you ? If, while with the masses you don't quite resonate with that vibration ? What then ? what I did, get the fuck out of there ! Its fairly simple. But so many resist this. Trust me, I would not be writing this shit if I hadn't experienced what its like to get the hell out of there ! I spent 5 years whining to my loved ones about how crap it all was until one day my mother said, "Just GO"!!!!!! After 5 years I was outa here within 1 week, see ya later, bye bye now, leave it with you ! The first 5 years of moving around this sphere taught me what the fuck was going on for those other 5 years........Stop Conforming !! It doesn't serve you. Yeh, wages, loans, credit cards, I had it all. Now its NO debt, NO credit cards, and the best car I've ever had, BB King (that's his name. When you buy a car the first song that comes on the radio is its name) Why put up resistance to something that your intuition or higher self is banging you in the chest or head to do ? Do what YOU want to do. When you conform, you deny yourself of being "Who You Truly Are" You keep yourself muted.

This is all designed to keep you controlled.........................

I'm not going into "Controlled" today, Google won't have enough storage for me

What I would prefer to see is affirmations like the one above saying "Look at ALL the black Sheep, living to their unlimited and full potential and not conforming" Can you imagine the light if we all turned our inner lights on ? Electricity.........whats that ??????????????????????

Trust me, being powered by the light from within, far out ways conforming to be like everybody else. Be "YOU" Love "YOU" Escape Captivity............Its so much better being free !!

Love, light and Escape Captivity...............Peace

Monday 22 April 2013

Emotions Part 2. Why are they so Scary ??

I find it bizarre that "EMOTIONS" are so scary ! My last post on this topic although brief was by far the most viewed....Thank you. 

They help us with "SO MUCH" stuff. They tell you if you are doing the right thing for you, they tell you what is in your best interests, they tell you about love, they tell you how you feel about your loved ones, they do "SO" much ! So why is it then, that when I'm happy and around people who aren't, they want to drag me down to there level ? Why does this occur ? We all see it, we all feel it and it hurts us. I've had this for my whole professional career. I like to go to work and have a great time, why wouldn't I ? That's who I am, happy happy joy joy ! Don't we spend most of the time there ! I've had tradesmen hammer me constantly and bring down the entire workshop because of "their" shit. Shit that involves their home life which they bring into work.

I always used to try to make them feel better by making them laugh and walk around them on egg shells. Mainly so I would feel better in knowing that they were having a laugh, and if they were laughing I would have a better day. But let me tell you that little excursion was to the major detriment of my own health. And my oh my did it effect me !! So back to the matter at hand.........Emotions and Why are they so Scary ?? I believe that none of us went to a class at school that taught "This is what emotions are and how to USE them" I mean really. Did anything I learned at school benefit me, and or help me to get where I am today ? Fuck no ! I've spent the last 20 years trying to unlearn what I was programmed with. What a nightmare!

Emotions tell me where I'm going, they help me feel my way through this cosmos. The big problem is that most of us don't know how to express them correctly. Cos they are taboo, things you put under the carpet. It starts from birth for fux sake ! Don't cry baby, don't do this or that. Shit.....don't let your child express themselves with a 4 litre tin of paint, oh no ! We stop them from birth. I am "SO" creative, yet was "NEVER" encouraged to do anything creative, whats with that ?? No wonder my emotions can get fucked up, its been a massive struggle all my life to allow creativity to flow. So what emotion is attached to that ? Fucken frustration !!!!!!!!! In my life no one except an ex girlfriend has encouraged me to be creative.

We all get this blanket approach to emotion, just sweep them under, you know what I mean ?? You go to a pub to watch a footy match and start yelling to support your team cos your'e excited, and people look at you like your hair is on fire ! This is what I do ! I love being excited when my team wins and yet most of the pub has their heads under the table. I get into it, bigtime ! See if we had that class at school.......sorry.....programming land, we would be "OPEN" with our emotions and therefore know how to express them, even the so named "BAD" emotions, yeh, Anger, Jealousy blah blah blah

Acknowledge your emotions, work through the so called bad ones and let them go on their merry way. But work on the ones that aren't tolerated by the masses behind closed doors for now. It's not as hard as it seems to do this sort of stuff. It will bring you more happiness to know that you will no longer take anger out on other people for instance, work on it by yourself and go through your own processes of letting it go. Try it, it won't happen straight away but with practice it will work and you can spend "MORE" time feeling good and in a state of higher vibration. That's all this is, a higher or lower vibration. I know where I like to be. 

But hang on, don't forget, you don't want "ANY" of these emotions to go away..........hell no ! These things are you and the true you, so embrace them all, and don't forget that one emotion that we all love.............."LOVE" Love yourself....

Thanks for enabling me to come back form the dark side this arvo by writing this

Love, Light and Funky Vibrations...............Peace

Anger !!!!

Where and what will I start with ?

how bout.................Here I sit on this laptop, trying to work out why I have the shits !! But funnily enough sitting here doing this makes me "feel" better. I just helped a friend fix his mower (cos that's what we do here in the western world.....mow lawns) We mow lawns like its a status symbol.....anyway enough of that, I'll do a whole post on Lawn Mowing in the future..... The point is that after helping my friend between this post and the last, there has been a rise in Anger after Doubt ! How could this be ??? WTF is going on ??? 

The best thing is, i know why I'm like this thanks to the spiritual learning I have acquired over the years. For me when anger comes its usually from not eating and being on the wrong path or not  listening to my inner self. The wrong path doesn't necessarily mean your life path. The path I'm talking about can be a daily one. I'm talking about Resistance, resistance to what is going on right now.

 For example, after helping with the mower I decided it would be awsum to get my brushcutter out of that garage, the one that has all that crap from my past in it, and get stuck into the "LAWN" with my mate ! Now I'm not sure if the whole "PAST" thing or vibration in that garage caught up with me or if it was that I wasn't supposed to be doing the sheeple lawn thing. However, it was one of the 2. I reckon it was the later, because as the day goes by for me my inner self/intuition tells me what would serve me best to do. This happens every day.

Right now after typing a few paragraphs and blahhhing on, I feel content !!! This is that resistance I mentioned earlier. We go through the old "Bad Emotions" and don't know why. I have been testing this for some time now, we can be totally pissed off with something and finally work out why and act. And that's what I've done this afternoon. Spirit tells me get back on the "Blah" ie Blog. They say "go and type bro" !!! And what happens ? I "FEEL" GOOD" again. I think the problem with us all nowadays is that we don't "STOP" when we feel this resistance............. I do.............. and what I find is magnificent. I'd been on the wrong path that day, that hour, that minute. It doesn't mean I won't do the brushcutter status symbol lawn thing and help my mate. All it means is I will do it when it "FEELS" right for me !!

This is moving into a post on Loving the Self ! How many of us truly do that ????? Well, the above is part of that exactly ! Now, I'm calm ! Its rather nice actually and after doing this each time I get angry I find myself picking surrendering to it and quietening down to listen to inner me, it always knows the right path through Anger. You feel it, you go through it, and let it go and come out he other side. This is Healing......

Love , Light and I hope your Lawn looks Great !!

Days With Doubt !

Well.......what is on my mind ??
Being guided to write on this blog is what is on my mind. Some days are different I suppose, you can't be bothered or you can. Some days are full of doubt about where you are going and what you are going to do. I get these, as everyone does. Today is one !

"Shit".....what am I doing pacing around in this garage for?? Looking at paint, signwriting tools, my mountain bike and my entire life in storage, in a garage ! This is all material crap really, that needs a good cull. How can 1 man need so much shit ?? I look at all this stuff while dragging on a smoke (yeh that's right I smoke, big deal) It works for me in times of doubt. Doubt hay ?????

Doubt for me only comes around when I'm not trusting. Really, it's as simple as that. we all have these times, you look at your garage full of shit from the past. Yes the past. I have a little saying that goes like  this "Thinking about the past causes depression, thinking about the future causes anxiety, thinking about NOW causes calm" So.....if that's the case why the fuck do we all go through this stuff regularly ?? AAAAAh yes, I remember ! Because I've forgotten who i truly am today. OMG, I watched the news last night, and was brainwashed again by the media. Thank the universe I looked in that garage and was told to write some more on the laptop full of doubt AND with lack of trust that the universe takes care of everything...

It's bizzare how the conscious mind is far louder than the subconscious mind and intuition. Its like the newsreader's voice pumping you full of brainwashed shit, it's always loud, and that's what we hear. And the really important ad that you really want to take notice of is like a mouse in the corner.......your intuition. But how the hell am I going to override that newsreader ? And I'm aware !! It still sticks in your brain the next day, filling me with doubt. Its like a leak my intuition, it kind of just slowly filters in and it can take half a day, like today, to realise what you truly should be doing is writing this. I also spun out about money today, what the fuck is with all the "Lack"? How do I change all of this ?

Don't worry, I have so much information in my head to combat "DOUBT" and that's why I'm writing now. If I work through "DOUBT" and release it and let it go, by talking to myself about it and feeling it, it basically ceases to carry any energy. Which is wikid. Its already dispersed, out into the universe, and what that does is allow for space to be created for "CONFIDENCE" and the ability to trust ! Trust that this time spent spinning out about this crap has given me the time to deal with this and understand it a little more. This won't be the last time I have to deal with it either, you will never get this stuff done. Shakti Gawain taught me that, bloody hell what a relief that was when I read it in one of the forwards in one of her books !!! It was like......"I thought there was a time limit on healing" Like an exam...................

Days with doubt, we all have them. Just remember that that is totally ok and as you work through the symptoms of yours that it will never truly go away, you will just find ways to overcome it and make it easier. Now I feel good cos I've written it down and overcome it a bit better this time round and next time it will be a tad easier

Love & Light and here's to understanding "DOUBT" a little better..... 

Sunday 21 April 2013

Your Path... ..... .... .... .

Don't expect anyone to understand your journey until they've walked your path !

WOW.... . For me personally I have had lot's of people judge, assume and pretend to know me better than myself. We all fall for it, having a friend or loved one criticise an idea or a plan the rings true with our hearts. Let me tell you it has taken me a long time to wake up and not tell people what I am up to or planning. You know how it is, you go to your buddies all excited with your wonderful happiness pill, only to be smashed down with the usual crap....."You can't do that" "You'll never pull that off" "You need money for that mate" and the list goes on.

If your intuition is telling you something, and something big, try keeping it to yourself next time. You watch, as when you achieve your goal or whatever it may be, as those people look at you in amazement. And hear them say, "How did he do that ?" Sometimes people don't want you to be in a state of bliss that they can never achieve. All they want is for you to stay where you are, so 'they' stay comfortable. Go on ! Walk your path, and follow your bliss cos when you walk down your path and leave others behind, you will find YOUR PEOPLE ! They are the ones that encourage, not discourage. Hence why I have hundreds of acquaintances and very few close friends. You know who you are, you're on speed dial on my HTC

Chat & light

Thank you

To all who have contributed tonight on my new project, a sincere Thank you, and much love and light to you..............Peace..

I mean really, you honestly think this was created by man ?

Saturday 20 April 2013

New Blog Header

New blog header, sorry Google, I'll design my own

Emotion, why is it so scary ?

How interesting things are at the moment on this sphere. So much going on, anger, fear, frustration, discontent. It's fascinating to think that so many are controlled by all of these emotions. I tend to let my emotions out, the good and the "so called bad". The so called "bad" emotions I let out in a place where no one else can see or hear me. In the bush on a mountain bike ride or in my garage where I throw a spanner at the wall as hard as I possibly can. Or while duckdiving a wave while surfing, I "scream" as loud as possible.

When it comes to my good emotions, I want to share them with everyone, whoever they may be. Why is it that some people believe it is ok to project their bullshit onto other people ??? It's because they are in pain. It's been happening all week on social media. You are damned if you comment and you are damned if you don't. You can't say what you truly "feel" without being cut down by the programmed masses, YES that's right............The programmed masses, for whom anger, fear, frustration, discontent is the daily norm. Hence projection

There is more at work here ! Firstly we are all beings of light with unlimited potential. But hang on.......I must be MAD.......yeh "MAD"!! Why ?? for waking up ?? Or saying such a thing ?? Well waking up is what we do every morning, but are you waking up to the same old mouse on the wheel ? I can tell you now, that you needn't be. All you have to do is become aware and practice using your intuition. Yep, ok that seems hard and it is, but only because of what you have been told/taught.

I'm over this for now, will continue when guided to............

Serenity Now ! Light shines through everything.....

Goodness me this is so true, this blog is already getting spam and assholes

Serenity Now - Serenity Now


 The will be plenty of this sort of stuff here....................................................."LIGHT"

And this..........................................................................................................

And even stuff from Marilyn and Micheal................."Read It"


So....after playing around and making this look pretty, it's time to type I guess.

Strange things happen at strange times, I tend to get this big amount of knowing and knowledge come through at different times. They never really are predictable, which is fine, but there are some days that you truly feel like shit and others where you I feel on top of the world. Yes I know.....this is what people call "Life".Whatever !! Its not just life, its intuition building up to give me a fuzz. That fuzz comes in my chest, particularly in my heart chakra. When i get this I know that this particular feeling is the right thing for me to do or the right way for me to go. There is no other message. 

I get another feeling lower down also, at my root and sacral chakra area. this usually comes in the form of a dark feeling vibration, which I know is the wrong way to go "or" bad energy from someone. This can happen just from being introduced to such a person. Quite amazing really. I could be at a party or anything social or professional and have this feeling. What this does is give "ME" an early warning of what kind of person this is. When this happens I usually stay well clear of this entity. Yes.......they are usually reptilian !! And if you read a little Plaiedian wisdom you would know what these types are here to achieve.

Its fascinating what you can see or feel when you take the time to get in touch with these gifts that we all have, and have had since birth.

By the way !!!! This place is NOT a place for debate. This is "MY" blog, where "I" express "MY" thoughts and feelings and also what "I" believe in. So please feel free to subscribe or +1 but don't argue with me ! That is one of the reasons I have started this. To many smart ass pricks on Social Media..............

If you find my ramblings interesting....................Fantastic, this is a spiritual place of good energy and peace. However there may be some swearing and crap from me, but wake up, cos yes spiritual people also say "FUCK" On that note for now, here is a nice picture...............................

Of a business card I'm working on


This is the first post of a new blog I will be writing. It will contain my thoughts and most of all "feelings" of what is happening form within. We all have a "Within" but rarely choose to listen to it, let alone "feel" what it may be saying, or guiding us to do. The quiet achiever, intuition with also numerology and a little astrology, but mostly what are YOU being told quietly from within is what I will be looking into. Unfortunately for most of us that priceless gift we have, that vibrates or feels ever so quietly is so often ignored or not even heard, yet can aid us all in life. So......on a quest for answers for myself (really) I will be playing here for a while as I have been told by spirit that I must journal at this time. So enjoy and love and light