Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wow, That Looks Great. No I Don't Want That

You show someone something amazing and they react to it with amazement and you say, you can have that too, and they say, "I don't want that !" Point blank, no curiosity whatsoever !

What the @#$% is that ?

This is a story about a photos app. An app that provides you amazing stuff for free. Not only is the app free, but so are the amazing things it gives you for free, based on how many photos you take. If you're like me, you embrace change. An ex girlfriend of mine always said "It's all about better". I've learned many amazing things from my ex girlfriends over the years, and I adore all of them and the lessons they taught me about me. Anyhow, moving on.....

Let's say you go and celebrate your sisters birthday and she comes with her son and husband. You take heaps of photos of your nephew etc. You get home, auto backup does its thing and the next day you start getting animations and collages from this app - for free. You love seeing the animations put together of your nephew and share them with another family member, who also loves seeing them.

Then you proceed to to say, for the 2nd time "You can have these come through to you also you know, and it's free" This person says to you, “I don't want that !" for the 2nd time.

What is that all about ? Why are people so anti having something that is better, yet love looking at the benefits of such a thing ? Just in writing this, I don't get why I'm writing about it ! The whole thing is truly absurd ! Why is better, worse ? Why is change for the better not embraced ? Why do people fear change ? Is change so catastrophic ? We live in a society of stagnation, it's truly insane ! What I'm happy about is that the current paradigm is shifting so rapidly that these outdated belief systems are just being left behind. For me this is proof that trying to educate an older baby boomer generation to think differently is a waste of my time and energy.

I've been doing an experiment with this recently. The minds of these people are so set in the Piscean age of masculine they will never recover. Yet the minds of our youth, who are more affected by the feminine Aquarian age are where we should start. The old way is on the way out. Go to the source of openness (the youth) and concentrate your efforts there. But only if your influence is coming from being between the 2 ages, for then you have the contrast of both, and are able to see the "better". No wonder the young don't listen to the old. The mindset is one of limited everything ! I've been working with the young for 20 years, they need a little guidance, sure. But they are only that way they are because of the people who've been teaching them. The ones that have no idea about the saying "It's all about better" In my experience, the best way to get young people thinking for themselves is to give them infinite encouragement......

You can't encourage the older generation with anything new, only more terror and fear. That's all they will listen too. They are the holders of this vibration. Their resistance to anything new forces me to ask the question "How did these people get to where they are now ?" Resistance is so strong with this generation. They vote for the same old shit, the eat the same old shit, their day consists of the same old shit... blah blah blah. Yet all around them is a plethora of change and newer and more amazing methods. I've come to the conclusion that these people are the biggest holding back mechanism of our time. They are the ones that hold the vibration of lack, non abundance and inner exploration from being true savors of the rest of us. It's all frowned upon. 

This affects all of us on the planet today. This vibration is here, on the planet, and still bringing us ALL down to this pathetic level. This mentality that better is unachievable let alone acceptable is madness. The sooner these dark, negative and emotional cripples go back to their star system the better. For these people, only when there is an illness (manifested from stress and fear of change) do they tinker with the possibility that there may be an app that helps them create more joy and embrace what it's all about, and that is......... Better !

Truly, these individuals, a whole generation or 2 or even 3, are the root cause of today's current paradigm. Fortunately the Universe is bigger than all of them put together and change will not just occur, it is already happening, and for the better. I'm so sick and tired of these holding you back and down attitudes. The cusp of this paradigm shift is upon us right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better..... Go with your heart and intuition and embrace the all of the Change and don't resist it.....

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