Realistic, who invented this ridiculous word ? I endeavor, constantly to never use this term of chaste. Creativity doesn't come from being realistic. Neither does using one's intuition. That's the thing that we are not allowed to acknowledge, let alone use. You are kept from using such gifts. You are not supposed to think for yourself. Yet a lot of people are starting to think for themselves. And what seems to be happening when one thinks for themselves is they become a little confused. There's all this stuff that "was" real, yet now seems to be "unreal". Don't worry, you will move through this stage. They realize that being realistic is not real at all. First something triggers them off. The trigger can be anything really, but what it does, is unleash this thing deep within them. They finally realize....they were given a brain, which, actually works ! You see, this cloud of nonsense we call reality is completely illusionary. And we are all under the spell, the spell of "they". Now, I don't proclaim to know who "they" are, but I've got a pretty good idea. And so do you...
How about we say that reality consists of main stream media, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, banks and the odd prime minister. Now for me, these things are actually extremely unreal ! We all know what they do. It's all about "up-sizing" your ass to more stuff and programming you to only accept their version of a "reality" that is a delusion, it's not real. But when someone tells you to be realistic, this is kind of what they are referring to. The mere reason that we undertake these belief systems, comes not from our own minds being allowed to actually make their own decisions. Far from it ! Why then do we not question the authority of those who really have no idea what being real actually means ? Are we scared ? Are we worrisome that in actual fact, we are all capable of informed decisions without being swayed by these reality propagandists because we may rock the boat ? So the question remains. When you are told to be realistic, and accept someones version of it, do you question where their version came from ?
What version of reality are they talking about ? Are they talking about the closed, controlled minds of their teacher, or are they coming from a place of "using their own mind" to arrive at a conclusion that best suits them and their life ? If you don't have ideas, that seem out of touch with reality then you are fine. You just follow along. The reality is that if you think differently to those who adamantly follow the reality that everyone else does, then how do you move forward as one that is now an outcast from the group ? How can you not follow the crowd ? If you don't, you are not being realistic now are you. For most of us, "reality' is signing up to the slavery of debt and acquiring happiness through material gain. Just these 2 things alone should be enough for us to say to ourselves "what am I thinking ?" I don't need to expand on those 2 options, because your'e still getting over the fact that both of them trigger something inside that says........"Is this so called reality of debt and the chase for joy externally really a reality ?" Of course it's not.
What would you rather be doing right now instead of hiding tabs in your browser, from your boss, while at work reading this ? Whatever answer you come up with for yourself, within that split second of reading that question, is exactly the reality you should be constructing for yourself right now. Forget about being realistic and waiting for the next blue moon. Get up out of your chair and act right now. That is "real' and that is you showing, that accepting someone else's meaning of reality is wrong for you. Including my version written here.......Think for yourself, and ask yourself this question........
"What is MY version of reality ?"
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