Saturday, 22 August 2015

What Is Outside Of Where You Exist ?

Straight up. Do you believe where you currently are in your life, is all there will ever be ? What I'm bluntly asking is, how can you not be awake enough to know that all the bullshit difficulties you now face, are kind of already planned for you ? But also it is you who continues to allow the saying "It's all about better" to never apply to you. Everything we are bombarded with from the external world, is designed specifically for you to never get out of what you now find, going wrong in your life. This whole thing is truly an illusion, made up by a limited few to control us all. Why these few want that, I have no idea. How could a limited few rejoice from the suffering that they inflict on their fellow man ? Your job is easy. Stop allowing this subtle control mechanism of misery, to control your life. 

Don't compare yourselves to other people, don't compare what you have, to what they have. Only think about what YOU need. Not what you want. That word (want) has been conveniently turned into "needs" in the last decade by the media, advertising agencies etc etc, to make you believe that you need something that you already have. I constantly hear people say "I want this, I want that". These things are NOT needs, needs are things you can not live without. Lets use the dishwasher as an example. You can wash the dishes by hand, and chat to your child while they wipe up. And make it fun, so you now have a double win. The dishes get done and you made it fun for your child and bonded even more with them. Or, you can teach them how to wash the dishes properly while you have a really awsum time guiding them. So in this case, the NEED is the sink. Wants are shit that the neighbor has, that you have convinced yourself that you NEED. But they will not bring you to a place of contentedness. Because once you get what you "think" you NEED, 2 weeks later you will realize you never actually WANTED it.

Why are we controlled to the point that all we see is lack and wants ? We roll around this inverted fish tank comparing ourselves to everyone around us, just as "they" have intended. If you are to finally break free of this bullshit and realize that there is stuff outside of where you exist, you may just finally start to see the NEED to realize that YOU are being manipulated to stay this way. When you start looking into what you actually need, rather than what you want, the psychological manipulation will start to reverse it's effects on you for the better. Then what will happen is you will slowly begin to realize, that for years, you've been a totally kept from that which exists outside of your current reality, and thought that by "wanting" what others have will make you feel better. It won't ! Next is the realization that all along you have looked at individuals and admired them for being them for not trying to emulate someone else. We ALL look at the person who doesn't conform and is a complete individual and say to ourselves.........."I wish I could just be like them", so do it...... be YOU and find out what exists, outside of where you ARE. You can do do it.

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