The +1 social button, what a button ! It has so many meanings. But today I'm going to talk about it being used as an agreement button. (actually no, I'm just going to rant about it) It's like a button that kind of says "I agree with you totally, but I'm scared to get into a conversation about this important post for fear that others will challenge my opinion" or "I'm to lazy to comment" or "Whatever, I'll just +1 it " Why is this how things happen ? I post stuff that a lot consider to be "out there" or extremely tin foil hat Brigade ! What the fuck is that by the way ? Just quickly, my definition of those who use this term.
People who use that term are by my definition unable to think outside of their current socialized and programmed Minds. It's apparently an insult to those who use their mind and are able to see past the current delusion, that is the current paradigm of lies and deceit invented to enable those at the top to prosper. These individuals are asleep (the users of this term), and are only given just enough freedom to operate the machines. In other words the non questioner's.
Source - my thinking brain.
So back to the +1. I have found myself doing the same thing, where I will +1 a post and not comment, for fear of rocking the cart. Why do/did I do this ? Because I too was afraid of the consequences if I commented. Especially on posts if I knew no one. But after careful analysis of my own behavior towards this silly way of being, I came to the conclusion. If I don't comment, this post doesn't gain any momentum, especially if it's important and about the truth. I was scared too. And lazy. The reason I was like this is because "I do care what people think" we all do ! If you go around saying you don't, chances are you actually mean the opposite. This is how this shit works.
I can't write this blog without telling whoever reads it of my own mistakes or feelings or fears. How can I do that ? The only time people listen is when what they are hearing comes from honesty and the heart. I don't try to be this perfect entity. Far from it ! My life has been full of ups and downs like everyone else. All I've learned for myself, is that the more you dig yourself out of your own shit, the more you have the confidence to tell it how it is. I don't do games. Games are played among humans for only one reason - crippling internal pain ! We all have it. Because we were all taught to shut up and be controlled. And most of us have no idea how to integrate our shadow when it arises.
The +1 button is another way for you to not say what is on your mind. It's irrelevant ! It enables you to contribute, but by less than half. We have to stop using this button. It's been put there so you don't truly express how you feel. Sure, you have the ability to comment, but who actually does ? And what do you +1 ? Effectively nothing. It continues the path of saying nothing. Because that's what we've all been taught. I know this because the comment sections are full of shit that really is obvious that "we" don't know how to communicate properly. The comment sections can be so brutal and thus we then move into duality. Where we've been given this platform to fight among ourselves yet again. All the while, being totally distracted from what's really going on while we fight.
It begs the question, why do we actually have social media ?
Remember +1ing your local green grocer down the street because he had a ripe apple out the front of his shop ? NO !! It’s a made up thing. Who made this thing up and called it social ?
What happens for me is, I see notifications come through within that little bell, top right on all our devices. Oh look, there's 17 little bells, quick check out my popularity. I open the note draw only to find +1’s ! No comments, no conversation, nothing. The ratio can be 16 +1’s and 1 comment which is an emoji ! Yes, I +1 stuff too, but now I’m going to stop and engage with the person by saying “wow, that information was incredibly useful” or “wow, I need to look more into this, do you know anymore about this topic” But on some platforms I’ve asked those questions and been told I’m fucking useless for not Googling more information myself. “How can can you possibly be on Disqus if you don’t know how to find your own information by doing your own search ?” This is the sort of crap I’ve seen from just asking a straightforward question. Why is it all a competition ??? These assholes hammer you for being curious, yet these types of people are the first to have their heads buried in the sand, same as the “tin foil hat brigade” accusers. These people have no idea. Why can’t we ask a question ? It seems if you ask a question you are automatically put into this compartment as a loser. But hang on, why not engage and share information, nicely ?
The +1 button is a pause button, simple as that. It means nothing.
And one more thing for us to ponder.....the following statement -
“+1, share and follow for more like this”......... What is that ???
It's the same as "Just sayin"......... What is that ???
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