The man in this picture is what I consider to be a wonderful example of the way we should all be in the pursuit of happiness. He controls the biggest mass mind controlling multinational corporation on the planet, for those of you who don't know, its called News Corp. He's been growing his happiness for many years now. And you can clearly see how wonderfully joyous he is here, pictured in yet another acquisition of more television rights of another sporting code. Now Rupert has explained to us his humbleness in front of a UK inquiry, into phone tapping and all sorts of stuff recently. I wonder what actually became of that inquiry ? Never mind......
Is what we are seeing in this wonderfully attractive photo of this man, the definition of happiness ? "Of course it is" Rupert has done what we all believe to be the true and honest way to achieve this phenomena. He's gone after money ! Cos money and the chase for more makes you happy, as clearly defined in this photo. This is how I want to be. Looking like Rupert. This photo shows how you look when you become happy, because as I stated before, this is what Rupert has devoted his life to. The pursuit of money, because money makes you happy.
How about I turn off my sarcasm helmet for a moment ?
For me, when you're happy you don't generally have that upside down smile. It's that smile that most public figures have, where the corners of the mouth turns downward instead of up. Yeh, have another look below. This guy has spent all his life trying to acquire more money. If I was looking like this at his age from the side effects of wealth gathering and controlling the minds of newspaper readers and television watchers, I'd probably think to myself while looking in the mirror every morning "Holy shit, I look like shit" But for Rupert, it's all in a days work. He has his own dunnie (toilet) in his office and probably sees himself numerous times a day, and yet can't see the inverted smile. Why ? Because even he can't see past the brainwashing and constant pursuit of happiness smoke screen. He's actually become affected by the same brainwashing agenda he allows his editors to write about. There's this huge belief that all this stuff makes you happy. He's running from his shadow like a drug addict to the next hit. He's addicted to the drug of his choice, money. Cos we all know, that money makes you happy.
I wonder when was the last time he strolled on grass with bare feet ? I wonder when was the last time he dove into the ocean ? Does it really matter ? When you believe you can fly..... I actually feel for this man ironically. In all my years and seeing him in public, I've never seen him laugh. Isn't laughing a sign that you indeed are happy ?
I have to be honest with you, I started writing this firstly to put this man down. But as I wrote more, I became rather empathic towards Rupert. I don't like seeing myself writing aggressively against someone in particular. I'm genuinely feeling for this guy as he goes on and on in the pursuit of his joy. If I had a chance to meet him, I'd take him down to the park and walk with him and talk with him about his beliefs in what compassion is for example. Because once you have someone with their feet on the earth, they find it really hard to lie. I think I'd say to him "Rupert, compared to what you have, I have nothing. Yet I have a proper smile" I wonder what he'd say ?
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