Thursday, 20 August 2015

Western Media Delusion And Illusion

The News, the famous western news. It’s a 24/7 7 day a week cycle. And yet its played out as though its the truth. We see only what they allow us to see. I won’t mention the weather chic predicting the future. What’s the news rooms mantra you say ?
“Just inform them enough, to run the machines and blanket them with fear" – 
F alse 
E vidence 
A ppearing 
R eal
Pretty shocking hey? You are informed only with enough crap so as to enable you to run a machine. It’s injected and programmed into us like a drip feed. I’ve been rather anti main stream media for quite a number of years. Over those years I’ve taken it upon myself to find other news outlets. They may not be a “news outlet” officially recognized in western mainstream media opinions, but why would you recognize someone who is exposing you as a complete fraud ? So I rely on other people and sources who actually question whats going on. Really going ! I found a Russian news app just the other day so I can gain another perspective, because I question what is lied to me. Why wouldn't I want a Russian perspective on a plane crash ? It's only Western media's opinion telling me that Mr Putin is the new terror financier. I go and find it myself, rather than relying on a news program to stuff shit down my throat with things that I don’t want to know about. Like an agenda to silence my ability to question, and stand up and say "You are full of shit". This can be risky too, because so many are under the spell and will do anything to defend it !
Right now we’re dealing with Greece and Iran. According to western media its all their fault. We are told that these countries are the axis of evil. What a term ! Who was it who came up with that ? Ah yes, he who cheated an election to get into power, did an inside job then lead the “coalition of the willing” to a war for 10 years. So here we are, brainwashed into believing that these countries are second rate and evil, yet one is broke because a bank lied to get them into the Euro and the other is apparently more advanced than every other nation who “still have” a nuclear arsenal. What is this all about ? The country pushing this nuclear deal, are the ones with all the weapons !
Firstly Greece. They were backed by Goldman Sachs to get into the Eurozone. They fixed Greece’s books to look like they were a viable economy. A bit sub prime like I believe. You lend money to someone who has no chance in the foreseeable millennium to pay it back. Result, what we see now. All the news I read says “Greece should get out of the Eurozone”. But this is not a good thing, especially if you’re a bank that lent them money. You see austerity is not the starving of the Greek public. What it enables is a bailout for the ‘banks’ who lent them money. The money from the IMF doesn’t go to Greece. It goes to the “to big to fail” banks and coke snorting banksters.
I’m not going to blah on about Iran, all that’s going on there is that the western world is running out of fuel. So Iran has stockpiles of the stuff. Because of all things, economic sanctions. Inforced, yet again by the government that has the weapons. But hang on ! Hahahaha, this government I just mentioned. What I meant to say was "The Puppet Humans, run by the Elite" and we all know who they are. So now we have an arrangement for "Free Trade" again, woohoo ! In my research I've seen it written that the only reason this is happening, is because Iran now has a stockpile of petroleum products. How convenient for the puppet government who is running a little short at the moment.
What amazes me about the news is headlines. Take the marriage equality in the US for example. While everyone was celebrating marriage equality the NSA was given back its rights to spy on US citizens again. That’s right, the bigger the story, the bigger the one they don’t want you to know about. It happens all the time. Maybe we should all turn to what "they" call alternative media. I know I have, and what I've learnt, which is the truth, would blow your mind...........Look beyond that which you see. Sometimes you may be lead to look through the lies and the illusion and see more deeply, that what lays in front of you has a lot more depth.......look past the facade.

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