Saturday, 29 August 2015

Using The +1 Button To Fully Engage - Really ?

The +1 social button, what a button ! It has so many meanings. But today I'm going to talk about it being used as an agreement button. (actually no, I'm just going to rant about it) It's like a button that kind of says "I agree with you totally, but I'm scared to get into a conversation about this important post for fear that others will challenge my opinion" or "I'm to lazy to comment" or "Whatever, I'll just +1 it " Why is this how things happen ? I post stuff that a lot consider to be "out there" or extremely tin foil hat Brigade ! What the fuck is that by the way ? Just quickly, my definition of those who use this term.

People who use that term are by my definition unable to think outside of their current socialized and programmed Minds. It's apparently an insult to those who use their mind and are able to see past the current delusion, that is the current paradigm of lies and deceit invented to enable those at the top to prosper. These individuals are asleep (the users of this term), and are only given just enough freedom to operate the machines. In other words the non questioner's.
Source - my thinking brain.

So back to the +1. I have found myself doing the same thing, where I will +1 a post and not comment, for fear of rocking the cart. Why do/did I do this ? Because I too was afraid of the consequences if I commented. Especially on posts if I knew no one. But after careful analysis of my own behavior towards this silly way of being, I came to the conclusion. If I don't comment, this post doesn't gain any momentum, especially if it's important and about the truth. I was scared too. And lazy. The reason I was like this is because "I do care what people think" we all do ! If you go around saying you don't, chances are you actually mean the opposite. This is how this shit works.

I can't write this blog without telling whoever reads it of my own mistakes or feelings or fears. How can I do that ? The only time people listen is when what they are hearing comes from honesty and the heart. I don't try to be this perfect entity. Far from it ! My life has been full of ups and downs like everyone else. All I've learned for myself, is that the more you dig yourself out of your own shit, the more you have the confidence to tell it how it is. I don't do games. Games are played among humans for only one reason - crippling internal pain ! We all have it. Because we were all taught to shut up and be controlled. And most of us have no idea how to integrate our shadow when it arises.

The +1 button is another way for you to not say what is on your mind. It's irrelevant ! It enables you to contribute, but by less than half. We have to stop using this button. It's been put there so you don't truly express how you feel. Sure, you have the ability to comment, but who actually does ? And what do you +1 ? Effectively nothing. It continues the path of saying nothing. Because that's what we've all been taught. I know this because the comment sections are full of shit that really is obvious that "we" don't know how to communicate properly. The comment sections can be so brutal and thus we then move into duality. Where we've been given this platform to fight among ourselves yet again. All the while, being totally distracted from what's really going on while we fight.

It begs the question, why do we actually have social media ?
Remember +1ing your local green grocer down the street because he had a ripe apple out the front of his shop ? NO !! It’s a made up thing. Who made this thing up and called it social ?

What happens for me is, I see notifications come through within that little bell, top right on all our devices. Oh look, there's 17 little bells, quick check out my popularity. I open the note draw only to find +1’s ! No comments, no conversation, nothing. The ratio can be 16 +1’s and 1 comment which is an emoji ! Yes, I +1 stuff too, but now I’m going to stop and engage with the person by saying “wow, that information was incredibly useful” or “wow, I need to look more into this, do you know anymore about this topic” But on some platforms I’ve asked those questions and been told I’m fucking useless for not Googling more information myself. “How can can you possibly be on Disqus if you don’t know how to find your own information by doing your own search ?” This is the sort of crap I’ve seen from just asking a straightforward question. Why is it all a competition ??? These assholes hammer you for being curious, yet these types of people are the first to have their heads buried in the sand, same as the “tin foil hat brigade” accusers. These people have no idea. Why can’t we ask a question ? It seems if you ask a question you are automatically put into this compartment as a loser. But hang on, why not engage and share information, nicely ?

The +1 button is a pause button, simple as that. It means nothing.

And one more thing for us to ponder.....the following statement - 

“+1, share and follow for more like this”......... What is that ??? 

It's the same as "Just sayin"......... What is that ???

Friday, 28 August 2015

Question Everything You Are Told

When we start to gather those around us for a common cause, life can be invigorating. We become part of a collective and we feel like we are moving forward to help others. We can get really excited and feel goodness coming forth from deep within. This is a feeling of great unity and with the unity comes a sense of achieving things and activating those who don't know, to bringing them forward also to join in the solidarity.

The events on the planet currently, are those of the complete and utter exposure of old paradigm thinking and existing. Stuff that has never come to the surface before, is now being shown in all it's glory. The disgusting glory of the darkness that is human behavior. We've had people like lance armstrong (sorry, I can't use capitals) who've lied to us for years about cheating not only us, but themselves also. 

We see mountains of corruption being exposed, within governments and all the systems that we have been programmed to trust. Even down to the church and it's vile abuse of children for hundreds of years. These are things that can never be denied. For this stuff to actually make it to main stream media is enough to "make" you ask the question - "How far does this stuff go ?" Well, in today's paradigm, you have the ability to look up anything whatsoever by using a new dictionary term called "Google it".

If you have some curiosity in your body or brain, to not be looking further into the darkness of the human, you are ignorant ! There is overwhelming evidence out there about more stuff that you may find unfair about your life, to embark on looking for the truth. If it's on mainstream media, its not correct. And the sooner you wake up to the brainwashing that's telling you stuff on the internet is the stuff that is lies, the better. How can we sit in front of our televisions and accept the crap that we are force fed as true. You have to question that when you have the topic, followed by false facts and then the outcome and the conclusion forced upon you that YOU are not using your brain.

We've become this yes sir thank you sir dumbed down species. Can you honestly tell me that what comes out of a politicians mouth you believe ?? No, you don't. How do I know this ? Because all people do is whinge about the president or the prime minister and the bullshit that comes out of their mouth. If this is the case, how on earth can you believe the utter crap that comes from your 6 o'clock news ? This whole thing is an illusion, and we have been forced to be passive in a world where slavery never disappeared. You are a slave. I have one statement to leave you with...

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice"

Question everything you are told, even this blog........

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Analyzing Your Itch

It's one of those days. Those ones where you've been fine for about a week and all of a sudden you arise from your bed and boom. You've held things together for that time, you've functioned normally according to society and conformed. But then, there's days like today where you are reminded that the whole thing is just ridiculous. Everything brings up emotions, the ones that are to never be allowed out according to the paradigm in which we currently reside. What the hell do you do ? Well I suppose I could go and participate in the clouded delusion and contribute to the economy by buying a cup of coffee, or supporting my local hardware multinational conglomerate by buying a letterbox from their letterbox section. Or, I could get some cheap fuel as its on sale today for the bargain basement price of $1.23 per litre. The barrel price is rather low at the minute, because its all about to crash, considering gold is going through the roof, but that's another matter. How about I do all of the above ?

Or alternatively, I could sit quietly and work out what is going on within my body, and hopefully decipher what emotion is being held back. After all, pain is just emotion not let out or openly expressed. I wonder what emotion it could be today ? Could it be that in doing all the crap that I do, there is no fulfillment ? No, I don't think so, because on the other days I'm fine. Today is just a "void" day. The "void" days are when your shit comes up, you have no control over this stuff. The only thing you have control over is the way you deal with it. I tend to confront the shit shadow head on on these days. I don't revert to drugs or alcohol to self medicate and reduce the pain nor have I ever. Pain is the byproduct of unexpressed emotions. Things that have to be explained to the self, analysed and integrated. Without our emotional guidance system we really get nowhere. Although, most don't even realize they have it.

Today is a day that sux. We all have them. I've had rats crawling under my skin today, its like an itch of complete overwhelm. My skin is red from scratching around my neck, and all over my head. What is it that is under my skin ??? It's the incessant longing to move on from this current realitymare. A complete and utter irritation from delays. I have not yet had the tap on the shoulder from "them". "They" are telling me to stay put for just a little while longer, but I'm dying. I know perfectly well, that staying a little longer is totally what I am supposed to be doing. Yet I arrive at these times with the utmost frustration only to find myself literally working it all out, while typing or writing how I'm feeling. This process, for me is the only way to look into this shadow void and work through it. Other times I will go and sit in my car and write in pencil in my little black and red books. It gets me through.

Are we, and do we have our own coping mechanisms for these "void" times ? I hope you do. Because for me, holding this emotion in is far worse than typing on a laptop and hitting the publish button. It goes out their, is cleansed and comes back to me every time. Yet while in the middle of it all there is no escape, and I start to type by pushing the keys through the laptop. But at the final full stop, for I know that I have changed my vibration enough so I'm on the mend and onto a different frequency. There's always more work to do though. It comes back late in the day, the itch. But now it's behind my knee's and in the inside of my elbows. Right in the crease of both areas, it's insane. Why does this happen ? It's all about one thing and one thing only, Stress. Do you sit down and work with and through your emotional guidance system and truly work out what it's telling you ? Or do you carry on and let it all boil up into one almighty bang ??

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wow, That Looks Great. No I Don't Want That

You show someone something amazing and they react to it with amazement and you say, you can have that too, and they say, "I don't want that !" Point blank, no curiosity whatsoever !

What the @#$% is that ?

This is a story about a photos app. An app that provides you amazing stuff for free. Not only is the app free, but so are the amazing things it gives you for free, based on how many photos you take. If you're like me, you embrace change. An ex girlfriend of mine always said "It's all about better". I've learned many amazing things from my ex girlfriends over the years, and I adore all of them and the lessons they taught me about me. Anyhow, moving on.....

Let's say you go and celebrate your sisters birthday and she comes with her son and husband. You take heaps of photos of your nephew etc. You get home, auto backup does its thing and the next day you start getting animations and collages from this app - for free. You love seeing the animations put together of your nephew and share them with another family member, who also loves seeing them.

Then you proceed to to say, for the 2nd time "You can have these come through to you also you know, and it's free" This person says to you, “I don't want that !" for the 2nd time.

What is that all about ? Why are people so anti having something that is better, yet love looking at the benefits of such a thing ? Just in writing this, I don't get why I'm writing about it ! The whole thing is truly absurd ! Why is better, worse ? Why is change for the better not embraced ? Why do people fear change ? Is change so catastrophic ? We live in a society of stagnation, it's truly insane ! What I'm happy about is that the current paradigm is shifting so rapidly that these outdated belief systems are just being left behind. For me this is proof that trying to educate an older baby boomer generation to think differently is a waste of my time and energy.

I've been doing an experiment with this recently. The minds of these people are so set in the Piscean age of masculine they will never recover. Yet the minds of our youth, who are more affected by the feminine Aquarian age are where we should start. The old way is on the way out. Go to the source of openness (the youth) and concentrate your efforts there. But only if your influence is coming from being between the 2 ages, for then you have the contrast of both, and are able to see the "better". No wonder the young don't listen to the old. The mindset is one of limited everything ! I've been working with the young for 20 years, they need a little guidance, sure. But they are only that way they are because of the people who've been teaching them. The ones that have no idea about the saying "It's all about better" In my experience, the best way to get young people thinking for themselves is to give them infinite encouragement......

You can't encourage the older generation with anything new, only more terror and fear. That's all they will listen too. They are the holders of this vibration. Their resistance to anything new forces me to ask the question "How did these people get to where they are now ?" Resistance is so strong with this generation. They vote for the same old shit, the eat the same old shit, their day consists of the same old shit... blah blah blah. Yet all around them is a plethora of change and newer and more amazing methods. I've come to the conclusion that these people are the biggest holding back mechanism of our time. They are the ones that hold the vibration of lack, non abundance and inner exploration from being true savors of the rest of us. It's all frowned upon. 

This affects all of us on the planet today. This vibration is here, on the planet, and still bringing us ALL down to this pathetic level. This mentality that better is unachievable let alone acceptable is madness. The sooner these dark, negative and emotional cripples go back to their star system the better. For these people, only when there is an illness (manifested from stress and fear of change) do they tinker with the possibility that there may be an app that helps them create more joy and embrace what it's all about, and that is......... Better !

Truly, these individuals, a whole generation or 2 or even 3, are the root cause of today's current paradigm. Fortunately the Universe is bigger than all of them put together and change will not just occur, it is already happening, and for the better. I'm so sick and tired of these holding you back and down attitudes. The cusp of this paradigm shift is upon us right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better..... Go with your heart and intuition and embrace the all of the Change and don't resist it.....

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Stop And Inhale

You know what ? Sometimes when we are really flat and it's all just to much, we have to take a minute. A minute to just quickly forget about it all. Some things are just there, in front of us everyday, yet we don't see them. We can go and look at our shit anytime. What I do is go and sit in the sun if only for 10 minutes. I look at the blue sky, the clouds, my cat and many other things, and I breathe. Even in the middle of the biggest nightmares we can do this. I'm not taking away from those storms at all. All I'm saying is it is possible to remove ourselves from it all, if only for 10 minutes. Then, we can return to working through the shit again.

What this does for me is simply give me a reason to go back to the shit fight and maybe bring it to a close a little earlier. We just need that little break where we may quieten down just a tiny bit, to be able to have a change in vibration. It may not get us out of the hell, but consciously doing this may induce a change in vibration. And if that occurs we may find ourselves with just enough of a shift to redirect the way it was moving previously. And that is better than how it was before. So continue on your path and maybe stop for those 10 minutes and breathe. You never know how this may change YOU in dealing with the problem at hand....

Changing Tracks

The same old path, how do we do it ? The same old path that you are stuck in. It's predictable, comfortable, and there's no anxiety.....or is there ? Of course there is, because deep down you know that there is more to the current reality that you face. But will you look at it and ask yourself "What am I still doing going down this path ?" The anxiety that builds up over time is unbearable. We all think that the anxiety of doing something different is worse than the anxiety of staying put. It's not ! Once you go through this anxiety bubble to do something different and it pops, you realize very quickly the benefits of pushing through.

It far better to push through this crap than to stay put. You know how it works, you constantly have this thing building up inside you when you stay put. It's so subtle and the build up and pressure starts to come up in your emotions, usually the first one to arise is anger. Yet you don't really know where the anger has come from, it just creeps up all the time till it's let out again. How about instead of staying as an emotion suppressing specialist you move to the next track. Look at all the different paths below.... They are all different. Maybe just maybe, the path right next to the current one you find yourself in is just a touch better ?

Monday, 24 August 2015

Projecting Our Pain Onto Animals

Animals and the other animal (the human) have an interesting relationship. I'm not going to crap on about individual cases of cruelty. All I'm going to do is explain how "I see and feel it". Humans are in a lot of pain. And because we've never been taught, how to deal with our pain, we take it out on those things that are as innocent as we were, when our pain was inflicted. We revert back to our childhood nightmare of being socialized and abandonment by our parents. Our only way to deal with this pain, is to go back and project it out onto a living thing that we see in our subconscious has the same innocence as we did when we were hurt.

It's almost like a payback, and can only be paid back to those who are in the same position as the animal (the human). Frail, innocent, unable to defend itself, unable to speak up for itself and unable to express how it feels. The child, or in this case the Animal. Both have the same vibration. This occurs because we have this trigger that enables us to go back and do what was done to us, rather than explore the same area and realize why we behave the way we do. If we were to deal with the hurt and the neglect that we experienced back then now, there would be no need to project it onto animals. It's just a natural thing to compare these animals with ourselves because the Animal has the same qualities that we had when we were hurt. Especially their vulnerability. That's how we were, when we were hurt. This association with this same vibration is what makes it easier to do. Like attracts like. In other words, we can only inflict such wounds on a like entity, because us as the entity totally match the other. There is no judgement on what it actually is, it's the objects essence that is familiar. We are stuck in the void that was us when hurt, therefore can't project onto different levels of vibration, or beings in the same violent way.

The familiarity with inflicting on an animal becomes easier. It's the same vibration as us when we were wounded. In a sense we fight back with something that matches us at the time that our pain started to occur. If we are to look at society today, we can see this everywhere. The pain of not being able to cry as a baby or toddler because your parents say "don't cry" is insane. You quickly learn that so called good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior, like expressing your emotions (all of them) openly is not rewarded. So you suppress all of that so called negative stuff. This is the stuff that truly needs to be rewarded as it would become evident that the newly accepted openness is not frowned upon, thus bringing all of our pain out into the open without being judged. This is what counselling is. Open emotional communication, not frowned upon behavior according to society.

So here we see the suppressed pain playing itself out. The human effectively plays out all the masked emotion and abandonment that was inflicted as a child during socialization. It will always come out at some time in our lives. When, is the question. That will be determined by how much of what's going on around you allows you to hide it. But we all know, pain like anger cannot be held within for long. It will always be projected to those around you, especially the ones you love the most. And so the epidemic of animal cruelty continues, because the pain inside, eventually rears its head....

The animal is like the child. Innocent, beautiful, perfect. Yet we continue to abandon them (the child) through socialization and the promotion of the internalization of pain. We have to let this stuff out in safety because the pain that sits within us all, is the problem. A flower doesn't stay closed and continue to bloom, so why do we think we can without opening up properly. The big give away is this. People will harm children and animals always, because the association of the two takes us back to when we were first hurt. The key is dealing with your hurt before inflicting it onto someone that is a mirror of you internally. The internal struggle is the cry for help that is manifested and thus projected from the wounded inner child onto the similar thing. At the end of the day, we are ALL banging around this planet as little children emotionally. This is the inner child, that screams for attention and love. Maybe this is the trigger for you to commence true self love, and surrender to your inner little girl or boy within, and listen to what they have to say. Trust me, I do........

These photos are from a camping trip I did last year. This campsite is right next to the beach. I was there for 4 days dealing with my shit, my inner child and all of my dark shadow that was rearing it's head at the time. These Kangaroo's came to me on the 2nd day. The reason they did this on the 2nd day was because my vibration was to low for them to approach any earlier. It wasn't till I'd done a really long walk on the beach that day and cleared my shit and listened to my inner child tell me what I needed to hear, that they would entertain the thought of coming closer. No food was offered, no way ! By the 4th day they'd come around much earlier and much closer. These animals, like all animals, know where you are at vibrationally. So can you fathom what an animal picks up before being abused by it's abuser or attacker ? 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Is This The Epitome Of Happiness ?

The man in this picture is what I consider to be a wonderful example of the way we should all be in the pursuit of happiness. He controls the biggest mass mind controlling multinational corporation on the planet, for those of you who don't know, its called News Corp. He's been growing his happiness for many years now. And you can clearly see how wonderfully joyous he is here, pictured in yet another acquisition of more television rights of another sporting code. Now Rupert has explained to us his humbleness in front of a UK inquiry, into phone tapping and all sorts of stuff recently. I wonder what actually became of that inquiry ? Never mind......

Is what we are seeing in this wonderfully attractive photo of this man, the definition of happiness ? "Of course it is" Rupert has done what we all believe to be the true and honest way to achieve this phenomena. He's gone after money ! Cos money and the chase for more makes you happy, as clearly defined in this photo. This is how I want to be. Looking like Rupert. This photo shows how you look when you become happy, because as I stated before, this is what Rupert has devoted his life to. The pursuit of money, because money makes you happy.

How about I turn off my sarcasm helmet for a moment ?

For me, when you're happy you don't generally have that upside down smile. It's that smile that most public figures have, where the corners of the mouth turns downward instead of up. Yeh, have another look below. This guy has spent all his life trying to acquire more money. If I was looking like this at his age from the side effects of wealth gathering and controlling the minds of newspaper readers and television watchers, I'd probably think to myself while looking in the mirror every morning "Holy shit, I look like shit" But for Rupert, it's all in a days work. He has his own dunnie (toilet) in his office and probably sees himself numerous times a day, and yet can't see the inverted smile. Why ? Because even he can't see past the brainwashing and constant pursuit of happiness smoke screen. He's actually become affected by the same brainwashing agenda he allows his editors to write about. There's this huge belief that all this stuff makes you happy. He's running from his shadow like a drug addict to the next hit. He's addicted to the drug of his choice, money. Cos we all know, that money makes you happy.

I wonder when was the last time he strolled on grass with bare feet ? I wonder when was the last time he dove into the ocean ? Does it really matter ? When you believe you can fly..... I actually feel for this man ironically. In all my years and seeing him in public, I've never seen him laugh. Isn't laughing a sign that you indeed are happy ?
I have to be honest with you, I started writing this firstly to put this man down. But as I wrote more, I became rather empathic towards Rupert. I don't like seeing myself writing aggressively against someone in particular. I'm genuinely feeling for this guy as he goes on and on in the pursuit of his joy. If I had a chance to meet him, I'd take him down to the park and walk with him and talk with him about his beliefs in what compassion is for example. Because once you have someone with their feet on the earth, they find it really hard to lie. I think I'd say to him "Rupert, compared to what you have, I have nothing. Yet I have a proper smile" I wonder what he'd say ?

Saturday, 22 August 2015

What Is Outside Of Where You Exist ?

Straight up. Do you believe where you currently are in your life, is all there will ever be ? What I'm bluntly asking is, how can you not be awake enough to know that all the bullshit difficulties you now face, are kind of already planned for you ? But also it is you who continues to allow the saying "It's all about better" to never apply to you. Everything we are bombarded with from the external world, is designed specifically for you to never get out of what you now find, going wrong in your life. This whole thing is truly an illusion, made up by a limited few to control us all. Why these few want that, I have no idea. How could a limited few rejoice from the suffering that they inflict on their fellow man ? Your job is easy. Stop allowing this subtle control mechanism of misery, to control your life. 

Don't compare yourselves to other people, don't compare what you have, to what they have. Only think about what YOU need. Not what you want. That word (want) has been conveniently turned into "needs" in the last decade by the media, advertising agencies etc etc, to make you believe that you need something that you already have. I constantly hear people say "I want this, I want that". These things are NOT needs, needs are things you can not live without. Lets use the dishwasher as an example. You can wash the dishes by hand, and chat to your child while they wipe up. And make it fun, so you now have a double win. The dishes get done and you made it fun for your child and bonded even more with them. Or, you can teach them how to wash the dishes properly while you have a really awsum time guiding them. So in this case, the NEED is the sink. Wants are shit that the neighbor has, that you have convinced yourself that you NEED. But they will not bring you to a place of contentedness. Because once you get what you "think" you NEED, 2 weeks later you will realize you never actually WANTED it.

Why are we controlled to the point that all we see is lack and wants ? We roll around this inverted fish tank comparing ourselves to everyone around us, just as "they" have intended. If you are to finally break free of this bullshit and realize that there is stuff outside of where you exist, you may just finally start to see the NEED to realize that YOU are being manipulated to stay this way. When you start looking into what you actually need, rather than what you want, the psychological manipulation will start to reverse it's effects on you for the better. Then what will happen is you will slowly begin to realize, that for years, you've been a totally kept from that which exists outside of your current reality, and thought that by "wanting" what others have will make you feel better. It won't ! Next is the realization that all along you have looked at individuals and admired them for being them for not trying to emulate someone else. We ALL look at the person who doesn't conform and is a complete individual and say to ourselves.........."I wish I could just be like them", so do it...... be YOU and find out what exists, outside of where you ARE. You can do do it.

The Cat Died From Being Curious.... Apparently

"Curiosity killed the cat" 

I don't even know what to call this set of words ? Curiosity is the only thing that makes me consider myself human. I need to know more. Once you start doing your own research you realize the more you come to know, the less you actually know. I'm not trying to know it it all, that's impossible. But I know that I'm curious and I know that it won't kill me like the cat. Why are we not curious about everything ? Why do most of us settle for the same old shit ? If you are human, you have a brain. Why not exercise your brain beautifully here on this earth ? You never know, you may end up with a "well mind"

Just Be Original And Unique, Kids Do

What is the reason we don't allow ourselves to be ourselves ? Why do we constantly want to be like everyone else ? Why would you like to be like someone else ? If you are a creative person (which we all are) you can see the difference between us quite obviously. If you are asked to paint a duck while in a group situation you see an interesting thing. You may start by marking out your duck with a pencil. Then you have this little inkling to look at the persons duck next to you to validate that you are drawing the right way. Why do we do this ? I'm not even going to bother explaining the rest of the processes because already we have discovered that yes, you don't want to be different or original. Lets say you put each person in a different room to draw their duck instead. Now we have no reference whatsoever as to what the others are doing. You draw, then paint your duck and all the people display their interpretation of the duck in one room. You walk around the tables and look at each duck and all the different interpretations of the same topic.

Each time you go to art class the teacher says to you "Ok, lets paint more ducks". You think to yourself "why are we doing ducks again ?" Now your teacher is an individual and keeps repeating the same task over and over at every lesson. Until one day, you and your whole class are basically painting the same duck. All of you have come to the space where you are now creating the same old duck. You and your classmates are like "what is going on?" You find this rather disturbing and so do your classmates. The fact that after just a few short classes and being able to see all the ducks, you are all doing the same duck and this spins you all out. Why does this happen you ask ? This happens because everyone in your class wants to be the same as the person next to you so as not to be different and stand out from the class as some sort of lunatic. Kids are the best at being themselves. They don't care what the person next to them is doing. They are able to paint ducks that are all different, even when sitting next to each other. Every one of them knows that a duck is a duck, and they will give their 100% honest interpretation of a duck as seen through their eyes. This begs the question.........

When did you stop being a kid ? And why do you now care what the other person in your art class is doing ?

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Desperation Of Loneliness

A lot of the time we come to find ourselves lonely. Or as if there is something drastically missing in us. And we believe that being around others will help combat it, only to arrive back at our homes by ourselves where there is no one. Ironically many feel more lonely around others, where the conversation is non existent to the depth you require. Even after a day conforming to social pressures we feel quite overwhelmed with sadness and grief. It's like a wave comes over us. Why not embrace those waves of anxiety and self disgust ? We never truly find out who we are, and if you could just sit still and forget about the mobile phone and the dishes for a while, you'd be on your way. But by being on your own you've been programmed to believe you are lonely. There's a saying that stands out, it goes like this......

"It is beautiful to be alone. To be alone is not to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti

In knowing the above words, can we now realize that being on your own is only considered bad by those in society that want you to be like them. What I mean is, they are running to all parts of the world to avoid the so called loneliness. If you go and spend time "on your own" and truly listen to yourself, you will realize that you are worthy, you are special, and you are never alone. The only reason you think you are alone when you are by yourself, is because you are afraid that in experiencing it, you will be lonely........ Loneliness, is a made up word. All it means is, that you need more of that quiet time with yourself......."desperately". There is no such thing as loneliness. Once you truly hear what you have to say to yourself, you can never be lonely. Do you know what happens when you listen to your quiet self ? There is YOU and YOU in the room. Which means your soul has come for a chat. And I like chatting with my soul..........

The Reverse Direction

Have you ever surrendered ? It’s all to hard, things just suck, nothing going right. What do you do ? Is it possible to just say “I’m done ?”. Well yes, it is. When you arrive at a time where everything you’ve tried has become a dead end, this is when you need to do this. In fact more pain is induced by 'not' doing this. But who does this voluntarily ? The initial pain barrier to break through is only ego. Once you’ve pushed through this, the first time, and realized you’re not going to die, you can do it again. But in saying that, each time this occurs the only thing that allows you to believe it’s possible, is the fact that you’ve done it before, and succeeded . But its a faint realization, because going through the doors again, seems so ridiculous, pain ridden and horrifying.
Do most even realize they have a shadow ? There seems to be this mass migration to joy. In other words, “running from our shadow”. The place where all the work we do chasing joy can be dealt with but in a much easier fashion, but is it ? It’s taboo, even completely frowned upon to change your ways and go in the opposite direction of joy. Until we look into this ourselves we judge it, we say “how the hell are you going to achieve happiness in your shadow ?” And is it actually happiness ? Does that word actually exist ? It’s all about “undoing”, not doing. 
It’s so obvious to me when someone has a mask on. We see this all the time now, people not wanting to be who they are. So they change their face with the surgeons knife. This has nothing to do with looking better. One minute you see them, the next its “is that so and so ?…..nooooo” The only reason this industry is actually alive is because the insecurity of just being who you are is not good enough in today's wonderful and accepting society. But this is an extreme example.
Do we think that this sort of behavior is considered surrender ? I know I don’t ! These people will never surrender, its in their nature to remain with the mask held up to the world. In fact, it’s the opposite to surrender, it’s going in the direction of joy, their joy that is an illusion, which is actually a never ending, unwinnable pursuit. It will never end. If you stop, look at yourself and really listen to what is occurring within, you can make a decision. Stop and feel you. What do you say to ‘you’ when its quiet and dark ? Be honest. Where are you really going in your external pursuit of this thing we call joy ?
What eventually happens is that after years of trying for joy a little realization comes up. You get to a point where you finally realize that ……
“Nothing makes you happy”
Now.....I realize that many of you will think that this is insane ! But when you think about this you can kind of come to terms with the fact that you can never have happiness, ALL the time. So why pretend that you do ? Pretending just sets you up for disappointment. "But they are always happy, I want to be like them". "They" and "them" are not happy ! That's their mask that you see. When we arrive at this huge realization, that happiness is a never ending chase, we can actually admit to ourselves that we've been pulling our own leg. And things really begin to improve for the better, that’s if you’re not afraid of your darkness……..

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Embracing Unknown Truths

Does it ever occur to you, why a so called illness could have stigma attached to it ? Does it ever occur to as to why indigenous cultures have nearly been destroyed ? What if I said to you that in indigenous cultures, the person that in our culture is at the bottom, is at the top ? What if these people were able to show us a different way ? Instead of becoming the lowest of the low in our wonderful, loving and tolerant society. If we were to be indigenous we would go to a particular person for healing, advice, ceremony and well being and contact with the spirits. If we were to be western, these people would have their place too. Heavily medicated and on the bottom, not the top. They would be put in a class of madness, which is where they sit right now. Just the thought of the complete annihilation of indigenous cultures begs the question. What is the threat to today's western culture from people who have the same symptoms as an indigenous person did early in life ?

Mental a made up term by those who understand, that what the mentally ill know, is a threat to their very existence. So what does an entity (of today's society) find threatening ? Could it be the realization that those with a mental illness actually really know the truth ? If you were in an indigenous culture and showed the same signs as a highly medicated, bottom of the food chain, stigma hammered person, you would actually be celebrated. You would be nurtured, you would be guided, you would be loved. For in an indigenous culture what you are going through, is the signs that tell your community members, that you are the next shaman, healer etc. This is now well documented. But if we are diagnosed with this thing, that labels you as having a problem, you are labelled as someone who is basically worthless and to be feared of in the west and according to pharmaceutically sponsored modern psychiatry, have an illness. This is the opposite of the indigenous cultures.

I find it fascinating that these 2 paradigms can be so different. The indigenous cultures are nearly at the brink of extinction and in the west the mentally ill are silenced with psychotropic drugs. Does this not raise questions in you ? Why would these 2 things, that seemingly have the same symptoms be killed off and or drugged to the point of not being able to speak ? These are things that truly have a connection. What is the connection with indigenous people being hunted to near extinction and white people being dumbed down to extinction ? What transpires from both perspectives, the indigenous shaman and the western mentally ill is that both of them have exactly the same experiences. The opening of a new awakening, a rebirth, voices, visions, the ability to feel things that are about to occur, the list is endless. My opinion is this.....Mental Illness is not an illness, it is a gift. And it's demonstrated as so in the ever declining indigenous cultures, who DO know the truth, as do those who are medicated into oblivion....

Why then, in the west would these people be drugged to numbness ?
Why would the west constantly try to eliminate the indigenous ?
What do they both know about the current system ?

Urged To Be Realistic, Sorry Your Version Is Not For Me

Realistic, who invented this ridiculous word ? I endeavor, constantly to never use this term of chaste. Creativity doesn't come from being realistic. Neither does using one's intuition. That's the thing that we are not allowed to acknowledge, let alone use. You are kept from using such gifts. You are not supposed to think for yourself. Yet a lot of people are starting to think for themselves. And what seems to be happening when one thinks for themselves is they become a little confused. There's all this stuff that "was" real, yet now seems to be "unreal". Don't worry, you will move through this stage. They realize that being realistic is not real at all. First something triggers them off. The trigger can be anything really, but what it does, is unleash this thing deep within them. They finally realize....they were given a brain, which, actually works ! You see, this cloud of nonsense we call reality is completely illusionary. And we are all under the spell, the spell of "they". Now, I don't proclaim to know who "they" are, but I've got a pretty good idea. And so do you...

How about we say that reality consists of main stream media, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, banks and the odd prime minister. Now for me, these things are actually extremely unreal ! We all know what they do. It's all about "up-sizing" your ass to more stuff and programming you to only accept their version of a "reality" that is a delusion, it's not real. But when someone tells you to be realistic, this is kind of what they are referring to. The mere reason that we undertake these belief systems, comes not from our own minds being allowed to actually make their own decisions. Far from it ! Why then do we not question the authority of those who really have no idea what being real actually means ? Are we scared ? Are we worrisome that in actual fact, we are all capable of informed decisions without being swayed by these reality propagandists because we may rock the boat ? So the question remains. When you are told to be realistic, and accept  someones version of it, do you question where their version came from ?

What version of reality are they talking about ? Are they talking about the closed, controlled minds of their teacher, or are they coming from a place of "using their own mind" to arrive at a conclusion that best suits them and their life ? If you don't have ideas, that seem out of touch with reality then you are fine. You just follow along. The reality is that if you think differently to those who adamantly follow the reality that everyone else does, then how do you move forward as one that is now an outcast from the group ? How can you not follow the crowd ? If you don't, you are not being realistic now are you. For most of us, "reality' is signing up to the slavery of debt and acquiring happiness through material gain. Just these 2 things alone should be enough for us to say to ourselves "what am I thinking ?" I don't need to expand on those 2 options, because your'e still getting over the fact that both of them trigger something inside that says........"Is this so called reality of debt and the chase for joy externally really a reality ?" Of course it's not. 

What would you rather be doing right now instead of hiding tabs in your browser, from your boss, while at work reading this ? Whatever answer you come up with for yourself, within that split second of reading that question, is exactly the reality you should be constructing for yourself right now. Forget about being realistic and waiting for the next blue moon. Get up out of your chair and act right now. That is "real' and that is you showing, that accepting someone else's meaning of reality is wrong for you. Including my version written here.......Think for yourself, and ask yourself this question........

"What is MY version of reality ?"

Mirror's In Reality

The only reason you have such a huge defense budget, is because your attack budget mirrors it. Yet its never seen........ what a chilling thought !

Public Enemy - Fight the Power

Western Media Delusion And Illusion

The News, the famous western news. It’s a 24/7 7 day a week cycle. And yet its played out as though its the truth. We see only what they allow us to see. I won’t mention the weather chic predicting the future. What’s the news rooms mantra you say ?
“Just inform them enough, to run the machines and blanket them with fear" – 
F alse 
E vidence 
A ppearing 
R eal
Pretty shocking hey? You are informed only with enough crap so as to enable you to run a machine. It’s injected and programmed into us like a drip feed. I’ve been rather anti main stream media for quite a number of years. Over those years I’ve taken it upon myself to find other news outlets. They may not be a “news outlet” officially recognized in western mainstream media opinions, but why would you recognize someone who is exposing you as a complete fraud ? So I rely on other people and sources who actually question whats going on. Really going ! I found a Russian news app just the other day so I can gain another perspective, because I question what is lied to me. Why wouldn't I want a Russian perspective on a plane crash ? It's only Western media's opinion telling me that Mr Putin is the new terror financier. I go and find it myself, rather than relying on a news program to stuff shit down my throat with things that I don’t want to know about. Like an agenda to silence my ability to question, and stand up and say "You are full of shit". This can be risky too, because so many are under the spell and will do anything to defend it !
Right now we’re dealing with Greece and Iran. According to western media its all their fault. We are told that these countries are the axis of evil. What a term ! Who was it who came up with that ? Ah yes, he who cheated an election to get into power, did an inside job then lead the “coalition of the willing” to a war for 10 years. So here we are, brainwashed into believing that these countries are second rate and evil, yet one is broke because a bank lied to get them into the Euro and the other is apparently more advanced than every other nation who “still have” a nuclear arsenal. What is this all about ? The country pushing this nuclear deal, are the ones with all the weapons !
Firstly Greece. They were backed by Goldman Sachs to get into the Eurozone. They fixed Greece’s books to look like they were a viable economy. A bit sub prime like I believe. You lend money to someone who has no chance in the foreseeable millennium to pay it back. Result, what we see now. All the news I read says “Greece should get out of the Eurozone”. But this is not a good thing, especially if you’re a bank that lent them money. You see austerity is not the starving of the Greek public. What it enables is a bailout for the ‘banks’ who lent them money. The money from the IMF doesn’t go to Greece. It goes to the “to big to fail” banks and coke snorting banksters.
I’m not going to blah on about Iran, all that’s going on there is that the western world is running out of fuel. So Iran has stockpiles of the stuff. Because of all things, economic sanctions. Inforced, yet again by the government that has the weapons. But hang on ! Hahahaha, this government I just mentioned. What I meant to say was "The Puppet Humans, run by the Elite" and we all know who they are. So now we have an arrangement for "Free Trade" again, woohoo ! In my research I've seen it written that the only reason this is happening, is because Iran now has a stockpile of petroleum products. How convenient for the puppet government who is running a little short at the moment.
What amazes me about the news is headlines. Take the marriage equality in the US for example. While everyone was celebrating marriage equality the NSA was given back its rights to spy on US citizens again. That’s right, the bigger the story, the bigger the one they don’t want you to know about. It happens all the time. Maybe we should all turn to what "they" call alternative media. I know I have, and what I've learnt, which is the truth, would blow your mind...........Look beyond that which you see. Sometimes you may be lead to look through the lies and the illusion and see more deeply, that what lays in front of you has a lot more depth.......look past the facade.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Part Of A Renovation - Alone

The day’s of confusion, of what to move on to next, are long and frustrating. When you’ve stopped finally, after being broken open, and taken the time to look at your life from an outside perspective, it almost becomes this entity that you do not recognize. What is it ? Who is it ? Is that me ? Most humans don’t even get to this stage. The stage where there’s nothing left to do. You are hammered into pieces of what seems like dust, not chunks that are easy to put back together, but tiny little pieces of a puzzle that is you. It’s a daunting task looking at all of those bits, laying on the ground where your feet used to stand. It’s like fine powdery dust.
The rebuilding phase covers many months of healing work deep within. You deal with mirrors of yourself from others, and realize that what you see in them, can be in you too. This is truly frightening and in your face. The rebuild, or the beginning, at ground level takes the longest. To get your feet to appear again, out of that talcum dust is probably the most difficult part, it takes so long to achieve. It’s like the under ground carpark of a building, and you have to rebuild it from scratch, and it is YOU. It never seems to come out of the ground, it just crawls along at a snails pace frustrating the crap out of you. And with it comes great pain, growing pains. The steel reinforcing takes forever to be wired together. You have your pliers and wire making each bit count, awaiting that concrete pour.
This is the part of the building (you) that just menace’s you. Days and weeks and months of back breaking crap to get the stuff sorted for the concrete pour, the next bit, maybe a toe. Usually there’s more levels to the under ground carpark too. Sometimes there’s set backs because the first pour has not dried or cured properly. These are terrible times, but you can’t rush it. If you take shortcuts, you will see cracks develop in the long term. And the shadows will come back, because you’ve not integrated them properly to the outside air. You must not cut corners, especially on the foundations of that great structure…YOU. The days onsite are up and down, yet you gain a few notches, then lose a few each day. It’s laboriously hard, and there’s days where you just want to shut the site down.
The opening comes, the day where you think you are done, but there’s still a few fingers not put back completely. They lay on the ground still, in smaller, tiny grains from the trampling of your soul. Will they ever be put back completely to your entity ? Probably not. But what happens is, in the knowing that all the work you did, you made the weaker bits way stronger, so maybe, you can do without those fingers after all. The bits inside that building that you reconstructed are way more resilient than you will ever know. You are still not fully through to gaining back all you faculties like, emotions, feelings and intuition. They took a hit, but by no means are they buried in that carpark, they come back, so sensitive, so intune and acute, like never before, you blow your own mind….
There's only one way to rebuild your structure completely, properly and successfully.......

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Sometimes, Being Sensitive is Hard

I'm not going to sit here typing and lie to you. This is one of the hardest things for some people to deal with. "Just let it go" "Snap out of it" " Whats wrong with you" these are just a few of the bullshit useless comments, if you become affected by an asshole of low vibrational behaviour. Some of us, just can't handle the "dilution or poisoning of our day" by a persons words or opinion's. Where did these types of things originate ? It's so hardcore to be tough and allow stuff to roll off your back in society these days. In fact , it's applauded. Compassion for other people, unless you are hardcore and able to deflect these sorts of things, does not exist. Why ? What is wrong with being sensitive to an insecure, opinionated asses comments ?? Why is sensitivity seen as a weakness ? It's the complete opposite ! It's a gift !

I believe this quote is a double edged load of crap. What does "without attachment to the validation of others" actually mean ? When you are sensitive to humans negative comments, (generally bad vibes and projection of their own pain) why is it the fault of the person that is affected by it ? What is this big thing about being the dominant figure, and being the person that inflicts the so called poison to someone who is sensitive. The sensitive ones see and feel everything. And I mean everything. They even have their own label, it's called "Empath" we are wonderful people who struggle with the darkness, negative vibration and violence of this time space reality, and the constant aggression that is projected everywhere on a daily basis. It's all around us. Next time you tell an Empath to just forget about it, think about this..... Do you tell someone with a broken leg to JUST get over it ?