The Blogger icon winked at me and told me to put something down, so here goes !
Surrender comes in stages as we do not just let all of it go at once. I let go a little at a time during each period of shifts I experienced during different stages of my emotional recovery and spiritual growth. This is why it takes so long for emotional recovery as it occurs in stages. With each stage, it becomes easier and easier to let go until one day we no longer feel the pain of our past and finally heal our wounds.
Well.........these words are quite profound !
It's very interesting how many people never take the time to properly get over / heal from past pain. You know, most of us will take a cold and flu tablet to "keep going" or soldier fucken on ! These products are advertised this way, because if you don't go on you're seen as weak, you have to keep up appearances, you must keep going because society hates "QUITTERS" What the fuck is that shit ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//?//
To truly heal and get through the bullshit that is society ways, you literally have to hide away. You have to disappear and work like fuck on yourself to get through an emotional crisis. It's not acceptable to be emotional in society today. Why do we have "DIS -EASE" ?? It's from holding in your EMOTION !!!! Have you ever heard the term "A grown man doesn't carry on like that"
I HAVE !!!!! F U C K T H A T !!!!! Don't ever tell a grown man that he is basically behaving like a child when he is being vulnerable and expressing his emotions. This happens, and comes out of the mouth of people who are so fucked up they can not and probably never will express their own emotions. I have seen this first hand. They can't communicate, they fear their past so much that all the think about is "now"........"Now" does not arrive without "where you have been" !!!!
Have you ever been called a quitter ????? (BTW there's a shit load of anger as I'm typing this because this is very familiar to me)
Well..................Have you ????? How did it feel ????
You see when I find a nice bit of factual text like in the 1st paragraph I start to write, but by god can it take me into some strange places and emotions that need to be dealt with ! This is why I write this have to get it out.....fuck this new thing of "The Power Of Now" sure I acknowledge the Now but I have to look at what came before. I believe if you don't you are completely bullshitting yourself.......It's all about getting it moving, feeling the pain, working through it and sometimes doing it all over again "in stages" and then finally releasing it. This shit doesn't happen overnight, you have to allow it to come up all in good time, and that means it can happen anywhere and at anytime. But today we are told to just soldier on !!!!!
Truly..... I hate that crap !! this is why we are so fucked up.....we never stop, silence is like death for so many. I must do the dishes, I must do the washing, Oh look there's some dust on the bench, it just goes on and on and on and on !! Wake Up !!You can not solve your problems by ignoring the base problem that is..............."It's buried just below the surface" I've met lots of humans in my life, they range from hippies to suits, men and women. What I can't understand is when these organisms project and use transference onto people they apparently love. This can come in many forms, you know them, just stop and think about it for a minute. These types never surrender, and never allow themselves to actually help themselves by allowing this stuff (mostly pain) come to the surface. you do not treat people how you would never treat yourself. But hang on...........
This is exactly how these people treat themselves, by being non loving !!!
As is said in the 1st paragraph it works in stages, stages that are usually very unpleasant.......these things are called emotions.....yep those things that "Quitters and Grown men" are not allowed to show these days because if you do..................................................
I disagree totally, he who embraces his emotions and his past are the STRONGEST OF ALL !
So take 1 brick out of that wall of shame, blame, pain, whatever it maybe or contain and let it crumble, you never know what you may find in this first stage..............
I'm off now, and till next time remember, we have 5 senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch but EMOTIONS ARE THE NEW SENSE, so we now have 1 more and in my opinion.....................this Sense is by far the most important !!
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