Saturday, 10 May 2014

Open Communication

Yep !!

Sometimes in life you can take a battering. A beating, rejection, the pushing away, from those we thought loved us. Stuff like this takes time to heal. We spend hours analyzing what went wrong ? Was it all me who fucked up ? Was it all them, or a combination of the 2 ? Well, i think its always a combination of the 2 ! We generally blame the other more than we blame our self.....That's natural ! but at the end of the day it comes down to 2 people contributing or the lack of contributing ! This lack of contributing comes in the form of "non communication" Even typing that 'non' for me sucked !!!

Communication - The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings:
'there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents'

 Indeed good communication skills can help successful endeavors while poor communication can stifle and hamper progress

So........."The successful conveying or sharing of ideas (and for me) "feelings"
Feelings are the new sense. This sense has been over looked for such a long time ! Why do we overlook how others feel ? To be honest with you I have no idea ! If you look at people, they all have feelings, we are apparently among the very few beings on this planet that have this sense. And yet it is brushed under the carpet in such a big way. As I mentioned earlier, rejection, pushing away etc, they all effect how we "feel", so why do people do these things ? Is it because the person doing this has their own feelings going on that scare them, and that they have trouble dealing with, therefore want it over as soon as possible ?

In open communication, in my experience, these things/feelings can be worked through quite easily. All it takes is communication and honesty. How many of you have had situations where you don't want to do something and you fight it off only to surrender later and it's never that bad ? ........ Well I've done/had that. Yeh sure it's heavy at the start but generally it becomes quite a relief to have started the ball rolling. So all this shit that we put each other through is totally unnecessary !! For me "lack" of communication, especially with a loved one is totally absurd. If you talk to others with an open heart rather than bullshit them and yourself with some idiotic mask life becomes far better. Recently a non communicator was in my life, its so hard to open them up sometimes (actually all the time). In this case I truly did not understand it "at all" I'd never come up against such a closed book.

What ensued was the things I mentioned earlier, and when you are in the middle of all those self esteem crushing vibes you ask questions. But in this case I got no answers, just action ! That's not how you address these things............You must communicate !  

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