Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Head ! VS Feel !


Sometimes in life we see things that completely shock us about human behavior. Passive aggressive stuff, projection, pain, anger. 

Sometimes what really shocks me is when peeps are in the wrong and they try to turn it around onto you ! Its called transference. 

I've done a fair amount of work on myself over the years, more than any other I know actually. 

And with that comes a great gift. "Perception" the ability to see things how they are within another. So from the shake of a hand you will know if you will be conversing with this person at the party for more than 5 minutes or not. Let alone ever again.... Have you found this before ? You know, you rock up to the party, you meet some new peeps, yet some of them seem a little odd. Not odd in the sense of strange, but odd in the vibration they give off. And for the life of you, you can't quite work out "what's with this dude"?? why am I feeling a sense of unease ?? But......your programming (that started at birth) probably said to you "Nah, he's ok, it must be fucken me". Well no..............! If you get this type of feeling, remember the word "FEELING"...that is the correct indicator, not whats going on in your head ! 

Whats going on in your head is distracting you from whats going on in your chest ! The real and proper gauge of what the fux actually going on.... You've got to feel whats happening in these situations. You can't "think" whats going on in these situations, the brain is corrupted by years of programming and fluoride and crap like that. Its full of "Matrix". You can't make rational decisions about the vibration of someone with your head ! It's a VIBE that you're getting, a vibration. How can you really work it out if you don't use something that measures vibration ?????? "YOUR FEELINGS" !!!!! Hello !!!!!

No one is ever taught these skills. Trust me, having these skills helps you immeasurably in life. We need to hone these skills so that when we get that vibe we can identify the scale of vampire, some people call them reptilians ! But holy shit that's a whole new post to deal with those fuckers.

Hey peeps, don't be frightened of this stuff. All you have to remember is "FEEL" instead of think, that's it ! And when you do will be amazed at the beauty and wonder and love that comes into your life.......

That'll do for me tonight

Peace and Good Vibes

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