Saturday, 20 April 2013

So....after playing around and making this look pretty, it's time to type I guess.

Strange things happen at strange times, I tend to get this big amount of knowing and knowledge come through at different times. They never really are predictable, which is fine, but there are some days that you truly feel like shit and others where you I feel on top of the world. Yes I know.....this is what people call "Life".Whatever !! Its not just life, its intuition building up to give me a fuzz. That fuzz comes in my chest, particularly in my heart chakra. When i get this I know that this particular feeling is the right thing for me to do or the right way for me to go. There is no other message. 

I get another feeling lower down also, at my root and sacral chakra area. this usually comes in the form of a dark feeling vibration, which I know is the wrong way to go "or" bad energy from someone. This can happen just from being introduced to such a person. Quite amazing really. I could be at a party or anything social or professional and have this feeling. What this does is give "ME" an early warning of what kind of person this is. When this happens I usually stay well clear of this entity. Yes.......they are usually reptilian !! And if you read a little Plaiedian wisdom you would know what these types are here to achieve.

Its fascinating what you can see or feel when you take the time to get in touch with these gifts that we all have, and have had since birth.

By the way !!!! This place is NOT a place for debate. This is "MY" blog, where "I" express "MY" thoughts and feelings and also what "I" believe in. So please feel free to subscribe or +1 but don't argue with me ! That is one of the reasons I have started this. To many smart ass pricks on Social Media..............

If you find my ramblings interesting....................Fantastic, this is a spiritual place of good energy and peace. However there may be some swearing and crap from me, but wake up, cos yes spiritual people also say "FUCK" On that note for now, here is a nice picture...............................

Of a business card I'm working on

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