Monday, 22 April 2013

Emotions Part 2. Why are they so Scary ??

I find it bizarre that "EMOTIONS" are so scary ! My last post on this topic although brief was by far the most viewed....Thank you. 

They help us with "SO MUCH" stuff. They tell you if you are doing the right thing for you, they tell you what is in your best interests, they tell you about love, they tell you how you feel about your loved ones, they do "SO" much ! So why is it then, that when I'm happy and around people who aren't, they want to drag me down to there level ? Why does this occur ? We all see it, we all feel it and it hurts us. I've had this for my whole professional career. I like to go to work and have a great time, why wouldn't I ? That's who I am, happy happy joy joy ! Don't we spend most of the time there ! I've had tradesmen hammer me constantly and bring down the entire workshop because of "their" shit. Shit that involves their home life which they bring into work.

I always used to try to make them feel better by making them laugh and walk around them on egg shells. Mainly so I would feel better in knowing that they were having a laugh, and if they were laughing I would have a better day. But let me tell you that little excursion was to the major detriment of my own health. And my oh my did it effect me !! So back to the matter at hand.........Emotions and Why are they so Scary ?? I believe that none of us went to a class at school that taught "This is what emotions are and how to USE them" I mean really. Did anything I learned at school benefit me, and or help me to get where I am today ? Fuck no ! I've spent the last 20 years trying to unlearn what I was programmed with. What a nightmare!

Emotions tell me where I'm going, they help me feel my way through this cosmos. The big problem is that most of us don't know how to express them correctly. Cos they are taboo, things you put under the carpet. It starts from birth for fux sake ! Don't cry baby, don't do this or that. Shit.....don't let your child express themselves with a 4 litre tin of paint, oh no ! We stop them from birth. I am "SO" creative, yet was "NEVER" encouraged to do anything creative, whats with that ?? No wonder my emotions can get fucked up, its been a massive struggle all my life to allow creativity to flow. So what emotion is attached to that ? Fucken frustration !!!!!!!!! In my life no one except an ex girlfriend has encouraged me to be creative.

We all get this blanket approach to emotion, just sweep them under, you know what I mean ?? You go to a pub to watch a footy match and start yelling to support your team cos your'e excited, and people look at you like your hair is on fire ! This is what I do ! I love being excited when my team wins and yet most of the pub has their heads under the table. I get into it, bigtime ! See if we had that class at school.......sorry.....programming land, we would be "OPEN" with our emotions and therefore know how to express them, even the so named "BAD" emotions, yeh, Anger, Jealousy blah blah blah

Acknowledge your emotions, work through the so called bad ones and let them go on their merry way. But work on the ones that aren't tolerated by the masses behind closed doors for now. It's not as hard as it seems to do this sort of stuff. It will bring you more happiness to know that you will no longer take anger out on other people for instance, work on it by yourself and go through your own processes of letting it go. Try it, it won't happen straight away but with practice it will work and you can spend "MORE" time feeling good and in a state of higher vibration. That's all this is, a higher or lower vibration. I know where I like to be. 

But hang on, don't forget, you don't want "ANY" of these emotions to go away..........hell no ! These things are you and the true you, so embrace them all, and don't forget that one emotion that we all love.............."LOVE" Love yourself....

Thanks for enabling me to come back form the dark side this arvo by writing this

Love, Light and Funky Vibrations...............Peace

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