Yep..........Conformity ! Nah mate, I'm the black sheep. Or in this case the black dot with the black dog. How do we conform ? Well I know how I used to conform. But hell, I haven't done it for the last 13 years. If I had have conformed for the last 13 years of my life I wouldn't be writing this "Blah"! I wouldn't have arrived at this space right now. This space is not about being a rebel, far from it. I arrived here by doing what rang true to me, by following my heart. Your heart can take you to some wikid spots on this sphere, not to mention the stuff that you learn about yourself and other conformists. While on my 13 years of travel (and counting) I realised that i was far from a conformist. So many are though, from the car they drive, the quarter acre block, the tax, the vote, the "shit..........why am I not happy"!!!! When you conform to society you become "sheeple" We don't make decisions based on our hearts guidance, let alone our precious intuition. That's where things have to change. "CHANGE"......Shit, Apparently no one likes change, why? Because that's what you've been TOLD you don't like, change is awsum, try it, start off slow, but give it a go, it won't kill you !!

So what to do about this ?? This is rather delicate, cos some of us maintain the conformity because that's all we know, it gives us our identity. For me "Why" would I want to be like anyone else ? I'm a completely unique individual, as we all are. But what conforming does is bring us all to one area of the puzzle. How boring !! I know what is behind this mass exodus to conformity do you ?? One word............."FEAR" Yep that's right. Those who believe they control us keep us living in fear. If you are fearful you will stay and bat for the Conforms, do you see the first 3 letters in the word itself ?????? "CON". Its all a big con ! when you are fearful all you want is comfort, YEH...comfort. So how do you get comfort ? You join those like you, so you don't feel out of place. Hence you conform. Safety in numbers, we all know that....
But what if you don't feel as though that is the right path for you ? If, while with the masses you don't quite resonate with that vibration ? What then ? what I did, get the fuck out of there ! Its fairly simple. But so many resist this. Trust me, I would not be writing this shit if I hadn't experienced what its like to get the hell out of there ! I spent 5 years whining to my loved ones about how crap it all was until one day my mother said, "Just GO"!!!!!! After 5 years I was outa here within 1 week, see ya later, bye bye now, leave it with you ! The first 5 years of moving around this sphere taught me what the fuck was going on for those other 5 years........Stop Conforming !! It doesn't serve you. Yeh, wages, loans, credit cards, I had it all. Now its NO debt, NO credit cards, and the best car I've ever had, BB King (that's his name. When you buy a car the first song that comes on the radio is its name) Why put up resistance to something that your intuition or higher self is banging you in the chest or head to do ? Do what YOU want to do. When you conform, you deny yourself of being "Who You Truly Are" You keep yourself muted.
This is all designed to keep you controlled.........................
I'm not going into "Controlled" today, Google won't have enough storage for me
What I would prefer to see is affirmations like the one above saying "Look at ALL the black Sheep, living to their unlimited and full potential and not conforming" Can you imagine the light if we all turned our inner lights on ? Electricity.........whats that ??????????????????????
Trust me, being powered by the light from within, far out ways conforming to be like everybody else. Be "YOU" Love "YOU" Escape Captivity............Its so much better being free !!
Love, light and Escape Captivity...............Peace