Tuesday, 29 December 2015

I Am Enough

Is it just a dream ? Could it actually be just an illusion ? You know, until you stop and "be" for a year, where all you do is observe, not exist, you realize things are not quite as they seem. It really is a game. The game itself is to find out why you are here. Most will never work this out. They will move along an imaginary path filled with resistance. The resistance comes in waves, and most do not even know there is an ocean.

We run around in this quagmire chasing this never ending finale that leads to nothing. It literally leads nowhere. This is the great mystery of everything. Where and when should truly observe what is around us ? When I say around us, I mean the things that are there all the time, yet never seen. Why the hell do we chase money ? What I find amusing is the fact that what the money is made from gives us all a hint.

Do we truly know where that stuff came from ? Are you aware there are people on this sphere who control every single bit of it ? It's a game ! You know of magician's with their slight of hand, well this is the same. They have conditioned you to believe that this worthless stuff has value. It had more value before it was turned into money. If you have what you need, bearing in mind wants are now needs, the real needs are rather simple. You all know this.

Could it be that we are all caught up in this illusion to distract us from being who we truly are ? Could it be that the people mentioned above know that if there were no distractions, we'd all work it out ? Well, there are some who have worked this stuff out. But it takes going against everything you've been socialized to believe to acquire this knowing. All you have to do is "STOP". Stop running to the next false quiver of happiness, for it doesn't exist. We already have what we are looking for. It's right in the mirror, and it's perfection.

It's simply been "learned" to you all your life that "YOU are NOT enough". Go and get lost in yourself. Let all the pain come up from places you never knew existed. For there lies the answer...... "I AM ENOUGH".

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