Tuesday, 13 October 2015

You know those days that give you trauma. The ones that bring things up that are not comfortable at all ? Well, that was yesterday. The cosmos had allowed great anger to breach the surface. My biggest problem was allowing it to get out fully, and safely in today's limiting earth plane. For that particular emotion is frowned upon, especially if expressed outwardly. The difficultly lies in the expression of it. To let anger out is a complete no no in this time space reality. For if you do, you are chastised. Anger must be released, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with letting it exit your your vibration. You will see the change in vibration, nearly immediately.

I had a lot more to rid myself of than I originally thought. I wrote about it yesterday and the force of it emerging was far greater than I had imagined. I went straight past the pegs on the line with the washing, and ended up completely destroying the clothes basket. It's hard to complete the process when there are those around you, who don't believe letting emotion out is acceptable, so I had to do it quietly. Even my dry clothes became victims of my rage. Throwing them around and kicking them as hard as I could. The basket is now unusable and will be a reminder of the intensity of this particular shift.

Anger, is a wonderful emotion. It enables us to completely realize where we are at. I would go as far as to say, it is the most incredible gauge and automatically tells us that we are straying form the correct path. Maybe this is why it's frowned upon, for it gives you the utmost clarity once released from the soul. It enables all that crap to be expelled, that crap that has built up over weeks or even months. For me it is an incredible jump up in my awareness once exhumed. It will destroy us if its not let out to the cosmos. We all have it in varying degrees, it just happens with all that surrounds us during these massive shifts.

The key is this.....Get it all out ! Pick your quiet and private place, where there's no one around, because having to censor your rage to accommodate someone else won't work. The entirety of the emotion will not be oozed out of your cells unless you have your space. You have to find a spot of your own where you can be vulnerable, and exposed to the depths of the pain. As I found yesterday, I could not let it all out because of other people. So what happened is it came to the fore later on. And with greater force. Once you've opened that pressure valve, it all wants to come rushing out, and the key is to let it.

So today I find myself quite joyful after the barrage of this so called bad emotion. Things have shifted dramatically and I'm also lighter. I'm not sure how long that explosion had been building for ? But what I will say is this.... Imagine if we were all allowed to express this thing called anger. Imagine if we all had our own little anger pods where we could go and release. There is absolutely nothing wrong with expressing this emotion, and draining toxicity from your soul. If done correctly, like I have explained for me, you too can accomplish the drain of pent up Anger in safety in your own beautiful way. And as the bird below suggests, move on to the next purge.

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