Looking down onto this time space reality I'm seeing many things at the moment. First is this huge influx of souls beginning to realize that all is not what it seems. The excitement of exposing the truth for the first time for these souls is really amazing. They wonder where they've been for all of this life projection. It's everywhere on the media that provides them with the ability to look into it further. Yet, many, because of the distraction and overwhelm are overlooking the key issues. And this is understandable, for when you are asleep and you wake up, you tend to get rather excited. The information that has at first completely terrified them, then becomes a constant push for more dark information. Some refer to this as truth. The truth is magnificent, yet there are fundamental flaws in obtaining it. Once the quest starts, or the awakening, whatever you prefer to call it, things can become a little blanketing. What I mean is, to much of this truth will inevitably get you to a point where you stand back from it all and say to yourself "This is to much for me to handle"
I don't care as to where you are at in your birthing period, to all souls, the constant negative can be very destructive. It is like before the awakening, all souls are whining about all of their stuff. This never ends. Then they discover this thing called the law of attraction. This phenomena is merely like vibration oscillating with like vibration. So as people move into this area they see all of these little things that "they" have asked for. Then they are left to there own devices to practice acquiring car spaces and the like. This is fun for a while and makes them feel as though they are in control of their lives. Great ! Social media becomes a place to share their experiences, yet souls tend to be tuning with the ego based approach. I see many arguing about certain points of view. To the point where most if not all these souls have become so good in the knowledge that they will argue their case. This is where is still see the duality. Arguing over stuff that is irrelevant.
Quite frankly these souls are not truly getting this wake up call. The comment sections in social media, I believe, are designed to have these souls fighting and bickering with each other. This is common practice with the total and utter control of the human being. Everywhere I look is this fight against each other. This has been widely observed by myself. Keep them fighting among themselves and they will be distracted. Even when they believe they are waking up. It's bullshit ! The obvious thing now is, why does the soul argue ? Is it because of it's socialization ? How long does it take to unlearn, unravel and undo the nightmare that is this socialization ? This is the most destructive thing known to man. It does not allow you to think for yourself. One example is this stupid question.... "How are you ?" When was the last time you actually answered that question with complete honesty ? So we mask over this question and we say with false enthusiasm "I'm fine". What the fuck does that mean ?
You're not fine and you know it ! Why do you lie ? Why do you not express how you truly feel ? Here's a good answer to that question. "I'm totally trashed, this energy is getting me down and I'm also struggling to let my anger out of my body therefore I have cramps in my chest" What is wrong with telling it how it is ? Instead of arguing about stuff on social media and attaining this higher level of intelligence because you think you know more about a specific topic, why not work together and talk about the shit that really consumes the soul ? Quite frankly the masks that are on social media are insane. The old way of greeting one another has actually gone out the window. I've noticed of late, that when greeting people "live" they actually have difficulty in expressing a real hello. I believe that this is social media's fault yet again. Souls can abuse the fuck out of each other in a comment section, yet not even know how to engage with each other face to face. I believe social media has been developed by those who control us to give this false voice, and these devices that truly are here to dumb us down. That has become dramatically evident with the caliber of intellectual conversation. Then there's the "like" or "+1". What the fuck do these things actually mean ?
The cost of the September influx of energy has seen this increase in the expelling of truth. This truth stuff is just coming out in massive waves, unfiltered or organized. It's hitting ALL aspects of the planet. It wasn't just September, for if you feel deeply, the rise in the vortex for months leading up to it, contained these homeopathic doses that got many souls used to what was coming. But nothing could really brace the cosmos for the hangover of this injection of consciousness. The lead up was insane and the ensuing integration is insane. It's an ongoing process, that is deep seated and that I believe will take quite sometime to be developed. In other words, will the dust settle and when ? The dust may have been blown up in the winds that came through, to change certain perspectives and souls will embrace the feelings from within. But, will this engage them in the actual work that is necessary ? I see that the external is still being relied upon to create this phenomena called happiness also. This is of concern I believe, for the internal trauma is merely being projected out right now which in turn creates this spiral of anger and other emotions that really do no good for the mass soul collective. What it does is create more disharmony. I also believe that these projections will be hard to move through. The energy is that of density. To move into the realms of lightening the load on our shoulders, these frequencies are the only way forward. And the only thing you can do is to attempt to deal with it on your own.
The work we do on ourselves will determine how this all develops. Will the collective understand the next step ? Or will they just jump together to embrace all that has been exposed. There comes a time when nothing you see shocks you anymore and the more data you receive the more you are driven to go within. These devices that are given to us as wonderful pieces of technology are actually being used against us. They are being sold to us on a number of levels. Planned obsolescence, to buy more, consume more. Give all your information to a company, be told where you parked your car. All these things are sold to us, as making our lives easier, whereas they are not ! They are overwhelming the minds of us all. They are creating confusion and brain clogging in a massive fashion. Not only that, the actual electromagnetic waves associated with the use of them are completely controlling us. All you have to do is look at this link to realize what is actually happening http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT.pdf
This will blow your mind